"Yes, well, I do not think grandsire would allow that to happen." Aemma shook her head. "He will not allow a woman to take the throne when there is a man available."

Rhaenyra opened her mouth, wanting to tell her mother that it was true, but there was a scream before she could speak and both she and her mother turned to see Otto bent over one of the tables, gripping his side. Nyra and Aemma walked closer to the man and Nyra noticed how pale and sweaty his skin looked. Viserys was standing close to him, a worried look on his face. Otto let out a loud yell and Viserys called for a maester, while two guards took hold of Otto and helped him to his chambers. Nyra had to hide her smile, she could not wait for that horrible man to die and she hoped it was painful. 

                                                                Rhaenyra  Targaryen (17 years old

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                                                                Rhaenyra Targaryen (17 years old.)

                                                                Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old

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                                                                Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old.)


Aemma had sent Rhaenyra and Laenor to her chambers and told them to play there. The celebrations had come to an end the moment Otto Hightower had started screaming in pain. He had been taken to his chambers and the maester was tending to him. Aemma attempted to mask her face and look a bit sorry, it would not do if she looked as happy as she felt that the awful man would die soon. While she did not condone murder, she would prefer Otto die in place of her husband.

She walked down the halls and came to a stop when she saw Alicent. The poor girl was standing with her back against the wall as tears ran down her face. Aemma placed a hand on her shoulder, making the girl jump and turn to look at her. Part of Aemma wanted to hate this girl, Nyra had told her some of the things Alicent had done, but Aemma could not hate her. The woman Nyra had spoken of was not this girl, the girl in front of her was still innocent, even after everything her father had attempted to do. Rhaenyra had told her how she found Alicent crying in the gardens and how her father had slapped her. Aemma could not help but feel sorry for the young girl, she was being abused by an ambitious man and no one would stop it.

"I apologize, princess." Alicent courtesied quickly and attempted to wipe away her tears.

"There is nothing you should apologize for." Aemma gave the girl a gentle smile. "Have the maesters said anything about your father's condition?"

"Yes, he is not getting any better." Alicent looked towards the direction her father's chambers were in. "The maesters said there is no hope."

"I am sorry." While she was not sorry Otto was dying, she felt bad for Alicent. "Why are you out here?"

"My uncle ordered us to leave." Alicent shrugged. "He wanted to speak to the maesters alone." Aemma was sure he did, he could not speak about his brother being poisoned with everyone present. "The maester said he will die, it is only a matter of hours."

Aemma had known that the man would die, but she did not realize how quickly it would happen. Baelon had told her that according to what Damon said, it had taken five days for the poison to kill him in the other world. Apparently, Damon did not have the patience to wait that long.

"What will happen after your father passes?" She could tell Alicent was worried about more than just her father. "What is your family going to do?"

"I am not sure." The young girl bit her lip. "We will be under the care of my uncle."

"But your father had already set up a marriage for you." Alicent's eyes became wide with fear and Aemma gave her an amused smile. "Do not worry, I am aware you are supposed to be wedding Viserys, but I am also aware this is not your doing."

"I am sorry." Tears ran down Alicent's face. "I did not know about it until after you both had been divorced."

"I do not blame you, Alicent." The girl let out a relieved sigh. "Do you want to wed Viserys?"

"I..." Alicent did not know what to say and Aemma did not want to guide her answer, so she just waited. "It does not matter what I want, I must do what my family asks of me."

"But that is not what I asked."

"The prince is a good choice for a husband." Alicent started picking on the skin of her nails. "I would be lucky to wed him."

Aemma could tell that she was not speaking the truth, but Alicent was afraid to tell her how she truly felt. There had to be a way to save the poor girl, not to condemn her to a loveless marriage. Viserys still had not signed the marriage contract, he was not able to until the king or the hand of the king reviewed it. Aemma knew that Viserys was a good man, but he and Alicent would never be happy together and the poor girl deserved someone she could love or at least care for.

"I believe you are too young to wed yet." Alicent swallowed and nodded her head, making Aemma smile, a plan forming in her head. "You should wait until you are a bit older, you will not come of age for three more years. I will speak to my husband and have him push back the date for your wedding until after you are six and ten."

"Truly?" Alicent's face was hopeful.

"Truly." Aemma ran a hand over the girl's head. "In the meantime, you shall be my lady in waiting. That way you will be able to stay in the capital and help your family."

Alicent nodded her head enthusiastically and Aemma could not help but be pleased. She wanted to save Alicent if she was able, but if Alicent became a threat to her family it would be easier to get rid of her if she was close. She was sure Alicent would be safer away from her uncle, who would continue to abuse her, just like her father had done. Aemma would make sure to keep a close eye on the girl.  

                                                                     Aemma Arryn (18 years old

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                                                                     Aemma Arryn (18 years old.)

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