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[curse you people who murdered me like 3 times in dararabronks]

The Bodier Vriskus floated around the map, thinking about his pooksbear.

Until he stopped Maramel Bodier trying to defend himself from the Vriskus attacking him, he tried to do everything but failed, the amount of them were huge in numbers until Bodier Vriskus stepped in.

''Quit it, away! '' Vriskus Bodier spat out, the vriskus looked at him weird, and one of them spat out, ''Traitor!'' They all ran away.

''Are you okay?'' Said Vriskus Bodier. ''You didnt need to get in the situation..'' Maramel Bodier looked a bit saddened. '

'You seemed way too much troubled, they overpowered you in numbers.'' Spoke Vriskus Bodier in a stern and comforting voice, he felt and sensed how nervous and troubled Maramel Bodier was, and pulled him by the cauldron.

''.. We arent supposed to be together!'' Maramel Bodier backed away from Vriskus Bodier, Maramel started to tear up, hot tears.

Those words hurt Vriskus Bodier a bit, but yet decided to hold Maramel Bodier's hand.

'' I know, we are so called enemies, but there are times when we could hangout secretly. ''  Vriskus Bodier carefully wiped Maramel Bodier's tears away.

'' R- r- really? Even if the so called blank and alone place is barely habited by a few amount of pumpkrins? '' Maramel Bodier looked at Vriskus Bodier, nervous about the situation they are in.

'' Yes, we will still be together after all. '' Vriskus spoke in a comforting tone, getting close to Maramel Bodier's face. Pulling into a digital forehead touch.

'' Hey! There they are! '' A bunch of maramels and special character appeared in there.

'' Run vriskus bodier- '' Vriskus bodier was already gone. The maramel crowded the bodier.

''Where were you! We were worried!'' One of the maramel spat out. 

'' It's just nothing.. I thought I saw a ''Vrinkles Bodier.'' But those are just my hallucinations.. Wanna go brawl for Fructowalls over there! 

A caterwaul of cheers came from the maramels. ''Lets go!'' ''Yeah!'' ''Can't wait!'' ''lets go for 300 confirmed kills!! :3''

**A while has passed.**

Maramel Bodier was close to their base, thinking about that one specific moment, it got stuck like the candle wax in his head. It was such a intimidate moment that was something forgotting for his program, even if it was an little while, he enjoyed every second of it. Looking at the Vriskus Bodier, his enemy, the one that everyone desires to kill, the target.. Yet he still had the thing with him.. Is something wrong with my ''Program''..?

He wasnt a program, he is an malware, an waxxed malware. Just created for the purpose to kill and slash everything, he doesnt want to hurt everything.

To be continued.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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