Enchanting Prom Night

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The sun was shining brightly in the midday sky on what was supposed to be a stormy day. Wearing a very boring lilac-coloured t-shirt and black shorts was Aloy, who had opted to change into something more appropriate for the coming event once she got to her room at the hostel. By the time she'd arrived, it was drizzling, soft small raindrops hitting the ground and car windows. Anyone who was already dressed for the event rushed indoors to cover from the rain. Well to the best of their abilities with a fancy, princess-like dress that is.

Erend was already at the hostel when Aloy arrived with Beta following closely behind. He was also already wearing his outfit for the event, a dark blue trench coat, black pants, and a black fancy shirt. He was talking with the ladies at the check-in counter about the TV in their room. Aloy managed to hear the woman tell him that she'd go see what was wrong with it. Erend went to Aloy's side and led them to their room. The room itself was big; it had two queen beds, a TV in the middle, a long nightstand that reached both beds, a big enough bathroom, and a small patio.

Erend sat on one of the beds, talking with Beta as Aloy scurried to the bathroom with her dress. The bathroom was simple by design. It had a big shower with enough space to fit three people in it, a toilet, and two sinks connected to each other. She unzipped the protective bag and revealed the teal-coloured dress. The dress itself had a flowery design going from the top to the hips and was poofy starting from the midriff. As soon as Aloy removed her clothes, she stepped into the dress and put on her shoes. They resembled sandals more than shoes, and they sparkled in the light.

Aloy stuck her head outside of the bathroom and spoke, "Beta, can you help me with something?"

Beta sighed and slid off the bed to see what it was her sister wanted. She dramatically stomped to the bathroom. The minute Beta walked in, she realized what Aloy wanted and got to tying up her dress, "Why can't you do it yourself?"

Aloy laughed, "Do I look like an owl?"

Beta took a moment to think about it and pulled on the strings to tighten the dress around Aloy's waist, "Yes."

"Nice try." Aloy laughed as Beta rolled her eyes and tied the dress into a firm bow.

"There. Happy?"

Aloy nodded, and both girls walked out of the bathroom. The minute that she emerged from the bathroom, Erend couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The way the glimmering teal of her dress and the ginger of her hair complemented each other made Aloy look mystical, like a beautiful siren singing a sweet melody, and Erend was the poor sailor that answered to her song. To keep his hands busy, Erend opened a small box containing the corsage, a bracelet of flowers that complements the dress. The bracelet band was a golden colour that contained white gems in the center of each rectangular bead. The flowers were white and had a white bow between them. The leaves of the flowers were small and resembled ferns.

Aloy walked to Erend, wearing a bright smile on her face. Beta cleared her throat, interrupting their loving gazes, "The photographer is here and looking for us." So after walking around the hostel for what felt like an hour (it was actually five minutes) looking for the photographer, Beta eventually found the woman. They were led outside near a gazebo with a vined arch filled with pink flowers around the edge of it. The flowers growing around the black metal arch made for a beautiful spectacle, the metal wrought iron vanishing beneath the vibrant blossoms from afar.

After taking on so many different poses for the pictures, they moved to a different area of the garden for more pictures. They now stood in front of a little open gazebo that held weddings. While the flower arch gave a more fairytale vibe to the pictures, the little wedding gazebo gave the vibe of a princess gazing outside of her room to see her kingdom. Photos where Aloy and Erend were kissing were taken, photos of tenderness as well, giving the impression that they were dancing to a love song. Until they went to a wooden fence to take even more pictures. Here, Erend held her waist as he leaned against the fence. Then Erend switched with Beta, and eventually, Rost got out of his car - a white Toyota RAV4 with a black top - and joined in for some pictures before returning to the car to wait for Beta.

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