Chapter 2

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Danny closed the door with hesitation. He had no idea what the flying creatures were, and it made shutting the door feel like a crime. They were flying towards his dad as if they were going to kill him. Danny screams, "get inside, dad! Just come inside, it's okay if you don't finish boarding the last window."

Kiran gazed at the flying creature's and ignored his son's advice, he grabbed the last couple of screws, then began to board the last window. The flying creatures lit up in the crescent moonlight and Danny noticed the flying creatures were huge bats. Danny tried to warn his dad, but the bats started to swarm Kiran.

Kiran sees that they are bats which makes him happy, but he notices the bats are bigger than his hand. The bats colour is the void of space with hellish red eyes that would give the devil a run for his money. The bats circle around Kiran and he begins to panic because the bats are causing a mini tornado. Thousands of bats that bite, scratch, and tug at him. He is foreboding whether to run inside and leave the window, but he sucks it up and continues to board the last window with the wind trying to tug him away.

Danny is scared for his father's life. He has never seen or heard bats do this in his entire life, especially on the streets of a city. He shouts through the letterbox of the door, "father, what should I do?" His father is concealed by the bats, Danny's fear of his dad dying is growing stronger by the minute. He can no longer see his dad so he thinks on whether he should go outside to rescue him, but he instantly knows that is nonsensical.

He screams, "I thought you said you wouldn't die, why didn't you just come in when I said! What am I supposed to do on my own, mother is ill and asleep, who knows what's wrong with her?"

Before he continues venting at his dad, he realises that there is an overwhelming number of bats, and his father might die here. So, he ponders on how to take care of the bats and give his dad a window to escape. Danny suddenly became aware of the bats weakness which was ultrasound, and the family had a device that played ultrasound.

Kiran had just finished boarding the last window even though the bats were circling around him, biting him with what felt like sharp little needles, Kiran was brave though. He knew he had to get inside the house before he'd be teared apart. Kiran walked towards the front door but with no progress, every time he'd move, the bats would push Kiran back, using their momentum to cause wind and they flown in groups, crashing straight into him. The bats intensified their movement and was like a hivemind doing their job perfectly, every time he moved the bats would push back harder. Eventually he couldn't even move. He fell to his knees after being overwhelmed.

Danny grabs the device from the storage cupboard, and the device will play an ultrasound that should affect the bats. Danny runs to the front door but doesn't open it because he doesn't want to let any of the bats inside. So, he goes to look out the window, but it's boarded up. He debates with himself whether to open the door or break through the boarded window, but he gathers up the courage to open the front door. Danny goes to open the door but with caution, then he pulls the door open. He jumps out the door while shutting the door on his way out. Danny is shocked when most of the bats aren't attacking him, so he grabs the device and sets it above 20KHz, but to Danny's surprise the device won't repel the bats. In a desperate attempt to save his dads life, Danny lifts the device in the air. The bats rush Danny, but he quickly runs back inside the house, as Danny enters safely, he notices a flashlight on the living room table. Danny remembers that bats hate reflective surfaces so he grabs as much tin foil as he can find. He hopes the tin foil, mirror, flashlight, and the ultrasound device will be enough to repel the bats and save his dad.

Danny gears up with all the bravery he has left, he wraps himself in tin foil from head to toe, then straps tape around the flashlight so he can place it on his waist, and he can hold the huge mirror in his hands and flash it at the bats.

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