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Peace all...I have nothing to say...keke
       The mysticons stared in horror as the alarm kept blaring loudly. They could hear guards charging in the distance. "Why are we waiting here?" Exclaimed Piper, jumping up and running to the door. The others followed,fearing the worst.
       King Zane stood in front of the throne room doors, glaring at the prisoner in front of him. The guards had circled around the impostor, pointing their spears. "Who are you?" Barked the king. The mysticons tried to catch a glimpse of the intruder in vain. Suddenly a voice called out to them. "Psst...over here!"
      The 4 girls swiveled round to see Malvaron beckoning them from behind a big shrubbery. The hid behind it and Arkayna sighed in relief. "We thought you were caught." She said, looking at Malvaron who smiled. "Not me. But whoever was caught is not from this timeline. The intruder us from the future too." His reassuring smile had vanished and an grimace appeared on his face.
     "Who is it?" Em asked, glancing at the door, cautiously. "I don't know...but whoever it is... they're not in our side." Malvaron replied,clenching his fist. "Who was stupid enough to show up here when guards were passing by?" Zarya turned towards the door,muttering inaudibly. "Zarya? Is everything alright?" Arkayna asked, looking at the tomboy. Zarya shook her head. "What's wrong?" She too, looked toward the direction Zarya was staring at. "I've seen that guard before." Mysticon Ranger pointed to the first guard atanding alert next to the king who was still aiming his sword at the trespasser. Arkayna looked at Zarya bemusedly. "Did your brain get affected by my hits or something?" She asked. Zarya groaned. "No, but that doesn't mean you can keep doing it." She shot at Dragon Mage, who stifled a chuckle behind her gloved hands. "Why would you think that anyway?" Zarya asked. Arkayna looked at the guard again. "Because....he was presumed dead in the war, 16 years ago." Arkayna exclaimed.
    Zarya's forest green eyes widened but she didn't reply. Instead, she stared at the guard with a confused look on her face. 'Then why do I feel like I've seen him before?'  Zarya thought, scratching her head. 'He wasn't wearing a guard suit....but something black....he looked older and tired..'
   King Zane raised his head in frustration as the hooded intruder refused to give away any information. Finally, he ordered his men. "Lock him up in the dungeons." The guards nodded and grabbed hold of the figure who didn't resist and allowed himself to be dragged away into the dark dungeons. Zane sighed then froze. He felt as if someone was watching him. All of a sudden, a loud thud reached his ears and he turned round.
    Zarya groaned as she hit the hard floor. "Piper, seriously? Why are you all after me?" Zarya grumbled as Piper reached out to help her up. "Zarya!" Arkayna hissed urgently. "You're in plain view. Hide before you get...." "HEY!" It was too late.....

Mysticons:The King's ConcealmentWhere stories live. Discover now