~ 10.8 ~

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"It's over.." Julia wispered as Voldemort's lifeless body fell unto the ground.

He did not disintigrate into ashes. He fell and died like a normal muggle. He died like his biggest enemy. Despite it all, he still died.

Dumbledore and the others began helping everyone back into the castle.

Nothing but silence filled them. All the adrenaline left as they felt the exhaustion and tiredness. The sun was already rising.

Sirius stopped seeing Regulus cry next to Cesia's body. Regulus deflected the killing curse using an ancient spell he read back at their library at Black manor.

"Reggie?" Sirius wispered. Regulus looked up with bloodshot eyes. He ran and hugged his brother.

"She's gone, Siri.. what do I do? They took her from me." Regulus cried.

Lily Evans quickly ran back inside hogwarts.

"Oh Dorcas." Lily said as she hugged her friend. Dorcas silently cried as she held Marlene's lifeless hand.

"She promised that we'll meet again! She promised before we left.."

The hall was filled with various emotions. Parents began picking up their children.

Julia wanted to rest. She saw her mother healing others alongside Poppy. Julia stood up and helped them.

"Are you sure you can still do it, dear?" Mia asked and Julia nodded.

She's exhausted. She's already straining her magical core but she knows she can't think of herself right now. She needs to put others first.

"Can I heal you?" Julia approached a slytherin. His name was Evans if she could remember correctly. The boy silently nodded as Julia began to heal him.

Julia soon went towards the hufflepuffs where she had to fight off her tears seeing the lifeless body of Cesia. "Regulus.." She wispered worriedly.

Her next destination was the ravenclaws. "You guys okay?" She asked as she healed Pandora. The others nodded and gave her a small smile in return.

Her last stop was the gryffindors.

Julia began healing her twin then the others followed. Her brows furrowed as she healed Lily.

"Are you?" She wispered. Lily nodded and smiled.

All of a sudden, Julia saw her vision blur as she felt lightheaded.

"I think you should take a rest." She heard her boyfriend's voice.

"I think so too." She wispered as she lost consciousness.


"Reg?" Julia asked as she sat down next to Regulus. He was laying on the grass, looking at the day sky.

"Her name meant heavenly." Regulus said. Julia smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry." Julia said.

Regulus took a deep breath.

"Don't be. Cesia died knowing we'll win."

Regulus sat up and gave her a box. Julia opened it and it revealed a book. She opened the book and it was a book Cesia wrote about horcruxes.

"She wanted to become an author. She wrote this with the knowledge you gave her. Thank you, for making one of her dreams happen."

Julia smiled as she looked up to the sky.


 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now