~ 20.2 ~

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"It's time to party!" Julia said as she apparated towards Potter manor. "While the men are drinking we should be drinking too!"

"I can't wait for us to have last name, Lily!" Julia yelled in happiness.

"Not for long." Lily chuckled. "Your wedding's next week." Lily reminded her.

"Don't remind me or else I'll vommit from nervousness." She laughed.

The girls enjoyed their night as the last night of Lily being an Evans.


"Do you, Lily Evans, take James Potter as your husband?"

"Yes." Lily said with tears.

"Do you, James Potter, take Lily Evans as your wife?"

"I've spent more than a decade planning this. It would be weird if I said no." James chuckled. "Yes!" He said.

James kissed Lily before the priest even had the chance to finish.

Julia walked and hugged her brother and sister. "Here." She handed Lily a margarita.

"I can't drink."

Silence filled them.

"I'm pregnant."


"Two weddings down. Last one is Remus'" Regulus sighed. "I'm about to run out of wedding gift ideas. Why don't you guys just accept galleons? Bloody hell."

Sirius laughed. At first, James sulked once he found out he wasn't the bestman but then he came to his senses once Lily talked to him.

Tears fell from Sirius' eyes as Julia began walking down the aisle.

"She changed you, didn't she?" Regulus asked.

"She did, because she loved me in ways I did not know I've always wanted to be loved."


"You know, people said I shouldn't allow my bestfriends to marry a redhead. I failed James and Remus." Julia sighed.

Ayla hugged her.

"Thank you for being James' sister and for shagging Sirius. If you didn't I might have met Remus." Ayla said in happiness.

Julia rolled her eyes. "Tell me if you need anything, okay? I'll always be here for you."

As usual, there are empty seats. Julia smiled sadly. Others left them, but someone also arrived. She smiled, looking at Lily's stomach.


"Mate, it's going to be okay."

Sirius tried comforting James.

Julia was the one helping Lily give birth. James stood up and began walking around. Julia was beginning to get dizzy from what he was doing.

"James if you don't sit your arse down I will personally knock you out using a beater's bat!"

That calmed him down.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now