Funeral March

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The shadows you once cherished are now this jealous

Hiding thy splendor from me like a corona,

All your tart experiences in one long eclipse,

My nature pined for dew, but the rest whose auras

Casted my dream of you under this firmament.

For what better good, I cannot say, for that truth

So all I love I was betrayed this white ripened

Pallor of Love. Not the ick of a body droops

What both light and dark hid from me till yesterday:

Your quinoa blush, your satin mantle, your crests,

Acerbic overlook each malformation said

"I am she," making me believe despite the rest.

If Love 'tself be a lie then 'ts tomb revisited

Finds us together still but I stand by 't lifted.

THE BOOK OF LONGINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن