"Hey Ol." I say softly while sitting on my bed.

"Why?" Olive asks sternly.

"Why what?" I ask.

"Really? Why did you do this to him?"

"Ol, it's complicated. I didn't wa-"

"Stop it! If you didn't love him you could have said it to his face. You didn't have to walk away from him and hurt him and insult his feelings like that!" She shouts.

"No. I swear oli-"

"No! Let me talk, Hayley. I've never seen him like this. He hasn't slept in days, he hasn't eaten anything. He's like a robot. He won't tell me what exactly happened. He won't even talk to me. What have you done, Hayley? I never- never in my worse state imagined you could do this. To him."

"Olive, let me just talk to him once. Please." I beg her.

"NO! I'm telling you Hayley. I'm sorry but just stay away from him for sometime. I don't want you to talk to him. I don't want you to even come in front of him. You talk to him when he's ready for it, when I tell you he's in the right state of mind to talk to you."

"Olive! You're my friend. Y- you know I won't hurt him intentionally!" I shout with all the energy I have left.

"I know, Hayley. But, Nick is my bestfriend. He wasn't like this even with Andres. We're staying here for a few more days so don't go to the office to find him.  I'm requesting you, Hayley. Just back off till he gets better. Then I'll bring him to you myself."

She hangs up.
I fall on the bed. I fucked it up. But I'm not going to stop till I make it right. I'll wait for him, however long it takes.


I recover well the next five days. Not well enough to go the office but at least to take a walk without tripping. I've been ignoring Lucy all these days. It is killing me but I can't tell her. Not until I make things right. I haven't heard a word from or about Nick or Olive in days.
I put on my activewear and walk towards the nearby park. My body goes numb when I see two people making out against a tree. The guy has brown hair, broad shoulders, long legs- they might have felt someone watching them as they suddenly stop and turn towards me.
No. It can't be. He can't be here.
Fuck. It is him. Dave. I turn around so fast I almost lose my balance but before I can start walking he calls me.

I can feel the tears forming in my eyes at his voice. I should walk away. No! I can't let him think I'm weak. No.
I slowly turn around.

"So it is you. I thought I was hallucinating." He says.

"Yeah. It's me. What are you doing here?" I ask dryly.

"Well, we are here for our first trip after marriage. This is Tia, my wife." He kisses her.

"Who's this?" Tia asks.

"This is Hayley. My ex."

"Oh." She smiles at me. "Listen baby, I'm gonna get some coffee. You both catch up."

"Okay Tia." They kiss and she leaves, waving me goodbye.

"Congrats on the wedding." I force a smile.

"Thanks. You seeing someone?"

"No." I look away.
He starts laughing. Like a huge loud laugh which makes some people even stare at us.

"What's funny?" I ask firmly.

"Nothing. It's just that I was right. I told you that you deserve to be alone and you told me I was an ass and I won't find anyone. And yet here we are, I'm happily married and you" he points at me "you are alone and lonely."

Love- As Real As the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now