🌻 uh oh 🥁

241 3 3

Pairing: Miles Morales + Gwen Stacy
(Can be read as platonic or romantic)

Caregiver: Gwen
Age regressor: Miles

Request by: Kirra2209

There were only two words to describe this situation.

"Uh oh,"

Miles always preferred it when he slipped somewhere more private, like his room. He absolutely despised slipping in public. Obviously, he wasn't able to control where he felt little, but he always felt so stressed out and overwhelmed whenever it was in a public place. He just hated the thought of people judging him for being an age regressor.

So he was obviously scared as hell when he realised that he had just fallen into little space whilst hanging out with his friends. He had slipped into the age of three and was currently stressed out. Hobie and Pavitr were too busy chasing pigeons to realise, thank goodness. But Gwen could recognise this kind of behaviour since she was his caregiver. He kept biting his nails and looking around, obviously overwhelmed by everything that was happening around him. He didn't even know how it happened. Normally, it would have been because he saw something like a plushy or a cute animal, but this time, his mind was blank.

"Miles? Are you okay?" Gwen asked, looking over at him with worry. He only looked up at her and stared for a few seconds before looking away and shaking his head.

"Uh oh." He simply stated.

"Uh oh?"

Gwen simply looked at him a bit confused. He only ever said that when he felt like he did something bad. She tried to get a bit more out of him, but he wouldn't say anything. Not wanting to overwhelm him, she decided to leave him alone for now. Pavitr looked up at Miles, noticing that he was excluding himself a bit and waved at him excitedly.

"Miles! Look! There's a fat pigeon!" The boy gestured to the chonky bird, Miles looked at it before getting up and walking over to it curiously. The pigeon looked up at Miles and cooed at him. Although it looked a bit aggressive, this only caused Miles to giggle a bit and walk closer to it. Unfortunately, the pigeon was not having it and flew towards Miles in a threatening manner, cooing loudly at him.

"Waah!" Miles, being regressed in the moment, was obviously more frightened than usual. He ran over to Gwen and nuzzled his face into her neck, looking at the pigeon with a scared look. He was scared of everything, but that obese bird seemed to be the final straw. Hobie cackled a bit before coming to the rescue and waving his hand at the bird, scaring it off whilst Pavitr looked confused. Gwen was just focused on calming him down, now that her suspicions of him being in little space were confirmed. Pavitr just looked over to the two and felt a bit guilty.

"Uh... maybe that pigeon wasn't the best." He just shrugged and chuckled awkwardly while Hobie just rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit at that response. "Ya think, mate?"

Gwen looked down at Miles to check if he was alright. The poor boy was crying and sniffling, making sad noises. "Oh, Miles, what's wrong?" Gwen asked him. He just looked up at her and sniffled.

"Gwenn... I wan' go home!" Miles only whined as he nuzzled back into Gwen. She just sighed as she realised that all of his little gear was at home in his room. Meanwhile, Hobie and Pavitr seemed to be understanding what was happening, Pavitr decided to hunt down the angry pigeon to scold it whilst Hobie just looked at the two of them.

"Yknow... I think Miles should go home. He definitely slipped or something." Hobie said before looking at Miles and smiling at him, patting him on the head. This resulted in a small babble from Miles, who had stopped crying a bit by now but was still fussy. Gwen nodded and smiled at Hobie.

"Right, I'll just open a portal into his room. I've done it countless times before."

"Alright, well, see ya. I'm gonna go get Pavitr." Hobie says as he does a small wave and goes off to find Pavitr. Miles just makes a small noise and looks up at Gwen in anticipation. The teen girl just sighs before taking Miles by the hand and finding a private place. They both found an empty alleyway, Gwen opened up her society wristwatch and opened the portal to Miles's room. The two stepped in and closed the portal behind them just in case anything else tried to get in.

They both landed in Miles's room, with Gwen expertly landing and Miles just falling onto the bed with a 'uuf' sound. Gwen went over to Miles and helped him sit up, she decided to try and talk to the little first, to see what really happened there.


"Hm?" Miles responded but seemed distracted.

"Miles, are you okay? What happened back there, sunflower?"

Miles just chewed on his thumbnail and looked around before finally replying, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I got scared... everything was big and loud... and pigeon was mean..."

"Did you slip?"


Now that Gwen was able to understand his situation, she was able to make him feel a bit better. She looked around before spotting a crochet frog plushie in the corner. It was originally a gift from all the spider kids, Pavitr crocheted it with the help of Aunt Maya, Hobie gave it one of his eyebrow piercings and Gwen tied a bow to it, one she had from when she was younger. She smiled a bit and picked it up, going over to Miles.

When Miles saw the plushie, he immediately lit up and giggled, making grabby hands towards it. "Bubba!"

"Yep, Bubba wants to cheer you up." Gwen smiled, letting Miles take the plushie and hug it happily. The little just giggled at the frog and snuggled up with it, something he'd do whenever he was sad or upset. Gwen just smiled at Miles and gently took off his jacket so he wouldn't overheat, and kissed him on the forehead, making him giggle a bit. She stayed with him and let him be little, not judging him one bit.

Maybe Gwen should check up on the other two and make sure Pavitr didn't get attacked by the pigeon as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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