🍵 Movie night 🎸

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Pairing: Hobie Brown + Pavitr Prabhakar
(Can be read as platonic or romantic)

Caregiver: Pavitr
Age regressor: Hobie (BABY HOBIE YAY)

Request by: MintyInk_aka_Monty

Pavitr fell out of the portal in Hobie's room, landing nearly on his face. He was lucky enough to be able to land on his feet and stand up triumphantly. Hobie was at the other side of the room, gasping a bit at Pavitr's sudden entrance.

"Pav! For the love of God, mate - are ya good?" Hobie asked a bit worriedly. He had just witnessed his friend nearly face plant onto the ground. Pavitr just put his hands on his hips in a proud manner.

"I landed that perfectly."

Hobie scoffed, typical Pav.

"Yeah, sure. Anyways, are we gonna watch that movie now?" Hobie asked. He noticed that Pavitr wasn't in his normal spiderman suit, but instead wearing an oversized T-shirt and his favourite pyjama shorts with some fun socks Aunt Maya got for him. Hobie was wearing a tank top and some sweat pants, which he found laying around his room. He wasn't wearing his make-up, but his signature piercings were there.

"Oh, yeah! I was thinking comedy, or romance or -"

"-horror." Hobie stated calmly, watching in amusement as Pavitr whined dramatically.

"But you're gonna pick that one scary one with the nuns. No matter how many times we watch that, it's still going to terrify me!" Pavitr exclaimed, shaking his head a bit, when all of a sudden he tried to out on a brave face.

"You know what? Let's watch horror." He said. Hobie looked a bit surprised at the sudden switch up but chuckled and agreed.

They made their way to Hobie's living room, Pavitr hopped on the couch, bouncing on it slightly, and Hobie crawled up next to Pavitr, leaning on him slightly He then proceeded to find the remote and open the streaming application, finding a Conjuring movie from the series and putting it on, Pavitr could already feel himself shiver at the thumbnail, but Hobie was the one seriously having second thoughts.

Before Pavitr came in, Hobie had been feeling a bit small. Whenever Hobie regressed, it was usually from an age range of 5-8. However, on bad days, it was usually younger. Hobie was feeling like a big kid today, however, and wanted to prove to Pavitr that he wasn't scared. The intro started playing, and Pavitr seemed surprisingly calm, but Hobie was on edge, slightly chewing his nail.

After a good while, it happened.

A rather unexpected jumpscare made itself present, Pavitr shrieked loudly and jumped, Hobie just made a scared sound and hid himself under the blanket, which was present on the couch. Pavitr scrambled for the remote and paused the movie, taking a breath and chuckling a bit.

"Well, that nun looked a bit rough, ay Hobie? Hobie?" Pavitr noticed how Hobie was hiding under the blanket. He gently lifted it up to see Hobie covering his eyes. Hobie looked up, wanting to see if it was over.

"Hey buddy, you good?" Pavitr asked him, Hobie shook his head and slowly leaned back into Pavitr, hugging him and burying his face in him, whining softly. Pavitr immediately realised and pat Hobie's wild hair a bit.

"How old are you feeling?" He asked him, Hobie pulled away for a moment to think before holding up 5 fingers and snuggling back into Pavitr. The Indian boy sighed in relief. At least he knew now that the movie didn't scare him too bad. However, he still felt bad for Hobie. The boy still got frightened.

"Hey, beeta. Don't be scared, yeah? That movie isn't real." Pavitr tried to console Hobie a bit. The little still looked scared but nodded, biting his fingernails a bit. Pavitr shook his head and guided his fingers away from his mouth. "I'll be right back, beeta."

A few moments later, Pavitr came back with one of Hobie's favourite plushies, a black cat. It was obviously old, with a few patches here and there. But Hobie still treasured it, so seeing Pavitr hold it made him excited.

Pavitr chuckled and handed it to Hobie, watching as the little hugged it and looked back up.

"...that movie was scarwy."

"I know, baby, but you did say you wanted to watch it." Pavitr teased, resulting in Hobie whining and hiding his face behind the stuffed cat. Pavitr looked a bit curious.

"Who is your friend over here?" Pavitr asked, pointing to Hobie's black cat. Hobie looked up at Pavitr and replied to him.

"Her name fuzzball. She's fuzzy!" Hobie looked very happy talking about one of his favourite plushies, which made Pavitr feel warm inside, he thought for a moment before finally making a proposal.

"Hey bahcha, that movie was obviously too scary for a small boy like you -"

"Big boy!"

"Okay! Big boy! How about we watch something which you will be able to watch without getting scared. Like a cartoon?" Hobie looked like he liked the idea and nodded.


"Alright, I'll see if they have some episodes on here for you!"

Pavitr then took the remote, having to find it first before looking for the show. He looked back at Hobie for a moment, watching the little play with the fur of the plushy. He smiled and played one of Hobie's favourite episodes, which he could recall from the top of his head. Hobie heard it and shot his head up, looking excited. Pavitr laughed and sat near Hobie, watching the show with him and listening intently as Hobie commented on the different aquatic creatures and how the captain always somehow got into trouble.

After a while, Hobie's eyes started drooping. He yawned and snuggled into Pavitr, hugging Fuzzball and started to fall asleep. Pavitr layer down and layed Hobie on top of him. He turned off the TV and draped the blanket onto them, sighing in content as Hobie was sleeping.

This was a good movie night to remember.

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