Incorrect Quote 44?

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*This would take place after Damien evaded disaster with his friends in one of his loops, maybe in the pre-timeskip?*

Damien: *He takes a shower with his clothes ON as he dances and jumps around in the bathtub...* Oh, yeeeeeeah! I won, literally defeated them fucking enemies, bro! Lesss gooo!! I'm so fucking AWESOME!! He, he, he, he, he!!!

Damien: *He continued dancing around and jumping in the WET bathtub when he slipped on a bar of soap on the floor, causing him to lose his balance, crack his head against the wall, and then break his back on the floor... And he died, again...*

(I don't know... Point is, Damien thought he solved his problems, with his friends, resulting in him getting cocky about it and letting his guard down... And dying again. This is probably REALLY out of character for Damien, but maybe he just wanted to believe that he escaped his loops for once? Again, I don't know...)

(Looper) Old Man Loreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें