"Crutch, can youse look at me?" I asked him gently. He backed away, looking up at me. "Good. You're doin' great. Follow my breathing," I took slow and even breaths, guiding him through it, moreso following his pace. After a couple of breaths together, his were even and calm. "What happened?"

"Ise just... I had a nightmare," was all he would say, looking down at his hands. I wanted to push, but we had only known one another for two days now, and I didn't want to go past his limits. "I'm really sorry I woke you."

"Hey, you ain't gotta apologize for that," I quickly assured him, a small smile growing on his face. "We're friends. I'm here for youse."

"Thanks, Jack," he said softly, pushing his hair back from his face. "I'm uhm... I'm gonna try and sleep again."

"Alright." I got up and went back to my bed, leaning over to reach the lamp. "Wake me if youse need anything. Okay?"

"I will," he nodded, laying back down. "G'nite, Jack."

"G'nite, Crutchie," I smiled, turning the lamp back off and going back to bed. 

The bell woke me the following morning, and I immediately began to get ready. After a few minutes I turned to look at Crutchie, only to see that he was still asleep. I chuckled, walking over to his bed and nudging his shoulder. 

"Hey, Crutchie," I said, to which he stretched his arms out with a yawn. I caught myself smiling a bit, unsure why. He looked up at me, his small curls sticking up all over the place.

"Hm..?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"The bell rang. Gotta get up," I chuckled. He sat up, trying to fix his hair. I grabbed some clothes for him, wanting to give him time to wake up. 

On our walk to the square, my mind was racing. We barely knew one another, yet I already felt so comfortable with him. Almost as if I had known him for years. The only person I was truly close with was Race, but for once, I actually wanted to get close to somebody. Before my thoughts could go any further, Crutchie looked up at me with big puppy eyes.

"Are you okay, Jack?" He asked me softly, genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just lost in thought," I answered with a shrug.

"Do youse... Wanna talk about it..?" He pushed, seeming almost nervous to do so.

"Ise, uh... Maybe later. Not right now. Thanks," I smiled at him, visibly calming him.

We got to the square, the Delancey brothers staring Crutchie down. To my own shock, I grew protective of him, trying to stand between them. At the very moment they had a chance, though, Morris shoved Crutchie down to the ground, then swiftly kicking him in the stomach and knocking the wind out of him. 

"Crutchie!" I heard Race yell out, rushing to his side. I turned to Morris, grabbing him by the shirt collar and getting in his face.

"The fuck is your issue?" I said through gritted teeth, anger radiating off of me.

"Jack, hey, he ain't worth it," Romeo said from beside me, and I slowly let him go. Morris adjusted his shirt, going back to the paper stand in the square. I turned around to see Crutchie still laying on the ground, Race trying his best to help him.

"Help him sit up," I said as I walked over, kneeling down at his side. Race and I got him into a sitting position, almost immediately helping him breathe better. "Youse okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just... It just caught me off guard," he said, but I was able to tell he wasn't being honest. Considering what had just happened, though, I decided to let it go. 

"Want me to get you both papes?" Race offered, and I nodded.

"That'd be great, thanks." I grabbed money from my pocket, and he took off. "Youse sure you're alright?" I ultimately decided to ask, looking back at Crutchie.

"Mhm," he said, attempting to get up. When he did, however, he whimpered, falling back to the ground.

"What is it? Is it your stomach?" I asked a bit frantically.

"No, it's my leg," he seemed embarrassed as he spoke, refusing to meet my gaze. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"For what?" I tilted my head, trying to look him in the eyes. 

"Just... Getting in the way, Ise guess," he shrugged. 

"Maybe youse should stay at the lodge today," I suggested, to which he nodded. "Let me just get my papes and I'll bring you back there, okay?" He nodded, sitting against the gate now.

I got my papers from Race, then heading back to Crutchie. He was still in a fair amount of pain, so it took him a minute to get up and start walking back home, but we made it eventually. I made sure he got in bed before turning around, beginning to walk out the door.

Third Person POV

"Jack?" Crutchie called out to him, making the boy stop and turn around. "Can I... I'm, uhm..." He began, looking down at his hands. His face turned bright red and he sighed softly. "Never mind."

"No, what's goin' on?" Jack pushed, walking over to the bed and kneeling in front of him. He wasn't sure why, but he felt far more comfortable with Crutchie than he 'should' after only knowing him for a handful of days now. He didn't want to leave knowing that something was on the boy's mind.

"Ise just... Why... Why are you so nice to me...?" He got out, locking eyes with Jack. The two simply looked at one another for a moment, both of their faces now bright red.

"'Cause Ise care about you," he said simply, beginning to smile a bit. "I want to make sure you're okay."

"But... Why?" He continued to pry, tears now brimming his eyes. Jack quickly noticed, sighing softly.

"Because you're a nice, caring person. Ise care about you," he repeated, only smiling more at him.

"Really?" He asked innocently, his tears receding. Jack chuckled a bit, unable to help himself.

"Yes, really. I'd never lie to youse," he reassured the boy.

"I... Ise care about you too," he added with a shy smile. "You should go sell now. I'll be fine here."

"I'll bring back some dinner with me, alright?" Jack said as he got up, Crutchie nodding. "Get some rest." He closed the door on his way out, leaving the lodge with a huge smile on his face.

word count - 1663 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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