She made her way down to Inflicting and Councilor Bronte was already there, his arm crossed as he sat on a very uncomfortable-looking chair. Savi had never questioned his taste in furniture, even though it was definitely questionable.

Bronte watched her carefully as she made her way to the seat opposite to him and sat down. "Hello, Councilor Bronte," she said, keeping her tone flat and cool.

He sighed. "Good morning, Miss Sencen."

She didn't correct him on that, because she didn't want her calling her Savannah, and most definitely not Savi.

"Anything in particular we're doing today?" she asked carefully, trying to avoid offending him in any possible way.

"Inflicting happy emotions."

She couldn't stop herself. "Isn't that the cause of your almost shattered sanity?"

Bronte pursed his lips. "Yes, that's true. But I thought I can handle it, especially since you're incredibly untrained."

"Just to let you know," Savi said quietly, "I have never healed a mind before. If I shatter your sanity, I can't do anything about it. Mom almost killed you, remember? And she managed to bring you back because she can heal minds."

Bronte smirked. "You almost sound like you even care what happens to me."

"You're a Councilor," Savi said simply. "And one that seems to be supportive of my mother and my family. I'll disregard what you said a few days ago. I know you meant it, but I think it was once-off."

Bronte looked... surprised. "Very well, then. I'll hail your mother."

"I'm not so sure about that," Savi said.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, as in, if you hail my mother, it might end up being answered by a six-year-old instead."

"Your younger sister? Believe me, Miss Sencen, Serena should not have access to your mother's Imparter."

Savi had to restrain herself from giggling as Bronte hailed Sophie and Seri's face filled the screen. Seri looked extraordinarily like Sophie, with her honey blonde hair and deep brown eyes, so Bronte seemed to have actually mistaken her for Savi's mother.

"Sophie, I'll need you in Foxfire," he said.

"Ugh," said Seri, wrinkling her nose. "MOM! There's some weird-looking guy with super-pointy ears and he looks REALLY grumpy!"

Bronte looked at Savi in alarm. "I warned you," she said, rolling her eyes. It was definitely Seri on the other end, and she was probably going to give Bronte a hard time.

"Oh. I thought Sophie would keep her Imparter out of the toddler's reach."

"Seri's not a toddler, she's six. But she acts like one, so, great analysis."

Bronte looked a little shocked that Savi was talking to him like an equal, but if he was offended, he hid it. "Right. Now, Inflicting positive emo"

"Without Sophie?" Savi interrupted.

"I'm confident you won't be able to hurt me. Your Inflicting isn't at the same level as Sophie's."

Still, Savi could feel the fear radiating off him in waves. But she didn't mention it, since she didn't want to tell everyone she was an Empath and get a third ability training session. She was sure Keefe could train her just fine.

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