Packing to moving: 3

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England mourned, but Harrieta and her friends, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom, had more immediate concerns. After the war, they lost family members and decided to live together at 12 Grimmauld Place for support. Harrieta and Draco, having reconciled, discovered they were distant cousins due to Harrieta's great-grandma being a Black. She also cut ties with Ron and Hermione, realizing they were only after her fame as The Girl Who Lived.

Neville, Harrieta's godbrother, and Luna, who became friends during her first year at Hogwarts, joined them in their living arrangement. Luna later revealed she was a seer, explaining her frequent daydreaming.

After a long meeting and revelations about their inheritance, they portkeyed back to 12 Grimmauld Place. Relaxing on the couch, Harrieta informed the others about their upcoming move to Jurassic Park. Draco delegated tasks, instructing elves to pack and prepare for the move.

Draco called Knacker, the Black family elf, to pack his belongings. Knacker, initially shocked by the news, complied with Draco's instructions. Luna and Neville summoned their own elves to pack their things and help with Harrieta's belongings.

Meanwhile, Harrieta called Simon Masrani about their move. The assistant initially hesitated, not recognizing Harrieta's name. However, Mr. Masrani took the call, surprised to hear from a Potter-Black, a family he hadn't been in contact with for a long time. Harrieta informed him of their move to Isla Nublar, their need for privacy, and the upcoming board meeting. Simon, taken aback, hastily arranged the meeting with the high-ups.

Harrieta also contacted a wizard house maker, urgently requesting a mansion near the beach on Isla Nublar. She specified modern Muggle techniques, a courtyard near the forest, and top-tier protective wards. The house was to be ready by the next day.

Exhausted, Harrieta joined her friends in the living room, awaiting the unfolding of their new journey on Isla Nublar.

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