Part 1: Wonder Of U?

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It was a normal afternoon in the city of Musutafu, Japan; People were roaming the streets, Heroes were stopping runaway Villains, and different sounds echoed throughout without any seems of ending. However, the main focus of this city was a single, green-haired freckled faced boy: Izuku Midoriya, who was a Quirkless Teenager, something that made everyone around him treat him like udder garbage without a second hint of remorse. But, the main activist of Izuku's daily moments of torture was his childhood friend/bully was Katsuki Bakugo, a crimson-eyed, blonde hair boy with an explosion Quirk that matches his rage-filled outburst and Superiority Complex of telling people he was destined to be the Number 1 Hero. Currently, Izuku was sitting on the edge of a tall building, writing some stuff down in his Hero Notebook and reflecting on the last words Bakugo told him.

Flashback: 2 Hours Ago

Izuku falls to the ground as an explosion hits him in the face and an angry Bakugo stands over him with a face of complete disgust.


Izuku: I-I-I just want t-to-

Izuku's sentence was cut off as another explosion hits his face and he falls back down to the ground and coughs up some blood and saliva.

Bakugo: NO!!! You can't and you won't be a Hero. That's the truth, you damn quirkless nerd.

Before Bakugo would leave the room with his lackeys, he would stop and turn his head towards Izuku with his trademark grin.

Bakugo: Hey Deku, you want to know how to get a Quirk?

Izuku would open one eye and look at Bakugo with a slimmer of Hope in his eye.


Bakugo and his gang would laugh evilly as they walked away, leaving a broken and angered Izuku in the classroom on the floor, who quickly passed out due to his accumulated injuries.

However, unknown to anyone, an unknown figure would emerge from the classroom windows and stand over the unconscious Izuku with a pity-fulled look in his eyes.

???: Do not worry Midoriya, they will pay for their actions and words, after all, no one can escape me nor will they disrespect my Wielder.

The figure would vanish like a ghost and the classroom would be filled with echoed silence.

Flashback End-

Izuku shook his head as he got up and stepped away from the ledge, putting his notebook away as he was about to head home until he heard someone yell "LOOK OUT!" from above him, causing Izuku to jump away as a loud thud echoed throughout the roof and smoke poffed into existence, hiding the person who landed in front of Izuku.

???: Ugh, that was a very rough landing, I have to really find a successor soon or things will only get worser as time goes on.

The man would look to his left and see the green haired boy looking at him with a mixture of confusion and curiosity before speaking up.

Izuku: ....All Might?

The man, now identified as the #1 Hero: All Might, was shocked beyond anything at this boy's ability to uncover his true identity a just a glance, which put the Hero on edge slightly.

All Might: H-How did you-

Izuku: Blonde hair that's spiked up slightly, sunken blue eyes; It wasn't that hard to realize it was you, then again, I'm a bit of a fanboy, so....

The green haired boy would rub the back of his head in embarrassment and chuckle nervously at his explanation while All Might would look at him strangely before chuckling softly and walking over to the boy and placing a soft, yet firm hand on the boy's shoulder.

All Might: I need you to promise me something, can you do it?

Izuku was caught off guard by the #1 Hero's actions and request, but nodded his head in response.

All Might: Thank you, uhh?

Izuku: Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya.

All Might: Young Midoriya, listen carefully.

All Might would precede to tell Izuku the history behind All For One and One For All, along with how he got an injury that completely destroyed his respiratory system, restricting him to having a time limit on his Quirk. This was a lot of information for Midoriya to take in, but he took a long breath and sighed deeply before smiling at his idol.

Izuku: Don't worry All Might, your secret is safe with me.

The #1 Hero would smile softly and cough slightly before nodding approvingly towards the boy.

All Might: Thank you, Young Midoriya.

All Might would pat Izuku on the back and go to walk away until he heard Izuku speak up.

Izuku: WAIT! I...Have something I want to ask you.

All Might would pause and turn his head towards the emerald-eyed child, curiosity evident in his eyes.

All Might: What is it?

Izuku would look down to the ground and sigh heavily before regaining his resolve and looking back up towards his idol.

Izuku: I-Is it possible for a person without a Quirk to become a Hero like you?

A long, deafening silence would erupt between the two and time seemed to slow down for Izuku before All Might would sigh and speak up.

All Might: I'm sorry kid, being a Hero is a dangerous job, especially for those who don't possess a Quirk. I'm not saying give up on your dreams or anything, but I'd advise aiming for something like becoming a Police Officer or a Fire-Fighter, they save people too.

Izuku's world seemed to have shattered at the words of his idol, making him fall to his knees and gain an empty look in his eyes as Bakugo's words returned and echoed through his head again like a VHS Tape being played on repeat. However, before he could do anything, a ghostly, yet comforting hand was placed on his shoulder, snapping Izuku back into reality and causing him to look up and see an 89-year old man wearing a bowler hat, a coat, and gloves while wielding a cane look at him with a calm, yet empathetic look that made Izuku feel like he was staring at a grandfather he's always wanted to see.

Izuku: W-Who are you?

The old man would step back and look at Izuku with a small smirk as he stood tall with his cane carefully by his side.

???: My name is Satoru Akefu, but you can call me Wonder Of U, your Stand and The Flow of Calamity!

To Be Continued....

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