???: Hey are you okay?'~

The pink boy said looking at the young boy in the shadow and horrified as the little boy kept on shaking and going back in the corner of the darkness as his hands still covering up his face in horror not even looking at the person who saved him but then the pink boy noticed he shaking and scared but then the pink boy went down on his knees a little and went up to the little boy in the Shadow hiding his face still but then,

Prismo: Hey' I'm not going to hurt you and my name is Prismo' what is yours kid?'

Prismo said in a little calm voice' smiling a little as he lay out his hand to the boy in the shadow. the boy open his eyes a little and peek through his fingers looking at the tall pink boy' taller than him but then
Little boy stands up and look at prismo nervously as he reach out to his hand not coming out of the dark,

but then,

but then,

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Prismo's eyes widen in shock seeing the weird creature boy' tears in his big round yellow eyes' looking at him as prismo look at the boy shock' holding his hand but then,

Scarab: It's Scarab but others call me scrabby for short' p~prismo?'~

Scarab said in a low shy voice' looking at prismo' with tears in his eyes still but then,

Scarab: T-Thanks for saving me back there from those bullies prismo' but why did you help me?'

Scarab said in a low voice' looking at prismo fuse why did he save him from those bullies teasing him' prismo eyes widen in shock hearing the question' infuse for a moment' but then,

Prismo: Because it look like you need someone to be there' Scarab'

Prismo said as he grabs scarabs shoulder and smiles warmly at him. Scarab eyes widen in shock' as he started to blush red on his face seeing the warm sweetest smile he ever saw in his life as Scarab blushing red' looking at prismo. As prismo look at Scarab smiling warmly still as he was going to say something to Scarab. but then,


Prismo eyes widen in shock hearing his alarm clock next to him beeping loudly as
Prismo wake up,

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