chapter 3

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Max verstappen

After my victory in the Sao Paulo Grand Prix my team and I went out to celebrate. Surprisingly I didn't drink much today in fact I only had one beer as I wasn't feeling up to celebrating today.

I left the bar around 12:30 unfortunately I had to take an Uber as I did have a drink but it was fine whatever. The hotel I was staying at was rented out for the drivers and teams it was basically booked out for the event so it was normal to see another driver wandering around the hotel or at breakfast. The bar was a decent distance from the hotel so by the time I got there it was around  1am. I thanked the driver, payed then headed in.

To my surprise I saw Charles sleeping? In the lobby , he looked like he cried prior to falling asleep. I walked past him then stopped, I shouldn't leave him here something could happen.

"Hey Charles? " I said walking over and tapping him on the shoulder I really didn't want to do this but I couldn't leave him here. He woke up and mumbled something before looking up when he realised it was me he sat up properly

"What you doing here? It's cold. Don't you have your own room?" I asked in an annoyed Tone I seriously didn't want deal with him tonight I could smell the alcohol on him and I could see he was crying. "I lost my room card I was waiting for someone to come back." He replied to my question once I got my answer I started heading towards my room leaving him behind... A part of me wanted to leave him but i decided it was probably better if he came with me, he was drunk and not in the right state of mind so I turned back and got him to come with me.

Once we got the room I decided to go hit the shower before sleeping "I'm going to take a shower, make yourself at home." Grabbing my clothes I went to take a shower locking the door behind me.

Once I was finished with my shower I got  dressed and went to check on Charles, great he had fallen asleep on MY bed. Where was I going to sleep now? There's no way I'm going to sleep in the same bed as him.

I went over and sat on the bed next to him " hey Charles?" I said tapping him on his shoulder,I scared him and he jumped awake

Charles Leclerc

i took a deep breath after max woke me up " what's up?" I mumbled in a sleepy tone while rubbing my eyes. I had to sit up cause I was about to fall asleep again "what's wrong? Cause I can tell something's wrong."  He said getting up from the bed and now standing over me

"It's nothing. Just a hard day that's all" I said looking away from him I wasn't about to go tell him all my problems he hates me why would he care?

" No it's not. I can tell There's a bigger issue." he sighed and sat down on the armchair beside the bed

" why do you care? I'm your rival you probably don't even like me." I lay back down trying to move on from the conversation

"I you...  just because you're my rival doesn't mean you can't talk to me? I'll listen..." He shrugged looking at me "soo anything you wanna talk about since we're already here?.." he sighed

"No..maybe not right know, we can talk some other time ok." As I replied I turned to face the wall, a tear rolled down my face " maybe it's time for me to go." I took a deep breath trying to stop myself from crying

"No. It's fine sleep here you'll leave in the morning." He smiled "just stay...I'm feeling lonely " Max whispered..

"Fine..just this once."  I whispered back, and I was so tired I didn't really question him on  why he wanted me to stay, out all the people why me? Why not Danny? checo? Or Lando? Why not them?. 

Max fell asleep in the armchair that night while I was on the bed. It felt nice to have someone else in the room for once, To be honest I was also feeling a bit lonely....


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