Paranoia and Confessions

Start from the beginning

She took a brisk shower, brushed her teeth and did her hair all in the bathroom. She got dressed in a plain T-shirt, and some blue jeans. She put on her locket and grabbed her book bag and keys, leaving her room.

She didn't have an appetite so she just left the house the way she is. She locked the door behind herself, taking her route to school.

A few cars had passed her on the street, she didn't pay them any mind, but then she felt as if someone was watching her, or maybe following her.

She already wasn't in the best head space so the last thing she needed was to be paranoid, but the car that was moving slow down the street behind her didn't help those feelings die down.

She kept peeking over her shoulder seeing the car was still going the same pace, moving slowly going the same direction she was.

She picked up pace slightly, she didn't want to keep looking back because she was afraid to know if the car sped up when she did. She didn't want to take off running because the car would have the advantage and would definitely catch her.

Ever since her parents death she always felt she needed to look over her shoulder incase the person who killed them would try to come for her too. She hated living in fear, but what other choice did she have.

Anxiously she prayed that the school would come into view, she could hear the car behind her pick up its speed. When it approached on the side of her, Mikasa nearly screamed, she breathing crazy and she was prepared to defend herself if need be.

She looked to the side of her looking at the person driving the car. It was an elderly couple in the vehicle, it seemed like they were trying to look at directions of some sort.

Mikasa let out a breath of relief. She was seriously out of it. But the feeling of being watched didn't go away, the hairs on the back of her neck were still standing up.

She was still as paranoid as ever.

"Eren where's Mikasa?" Armin asked as they walked the halls to their next class. "I don't know, I haven't heard from her."

"Did you text her?"

"I did, but she didn't text back and she didn't call me back either."

"Do you think something could be wrong? She hasn't missed school at all since she's been here." Armin said

"I know and I'm not sure, but I'm worried. I saw her on Saturday and we talked on the phone like Sunday afternoon but last night I hadn't heard from her since." He said.

"Did you do something to her? And be honest Eren."

"What?! Why would I ever do something to Mikasa? I didn't do anything that I know of."

"Well then maybe we should go see her, during lunch we should go check on her and make sure she's okay, you said she doesn't live too far from the school right? Plus we'll need answers for the others because you know they're going to ask you specifically."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the closest to her. You're always around her and hanging out with her by yourself. If you ask me I'd say you like her."

"What? We're just friends, I'm just being a good friend."

"Yeah, hugging her from behind, holding her hand whenever we're walking, and seeing her alone on the weekend is definitely what friends do." Armin said sarcastically as Eren rolled his eyes.

"It's definitely what friends do. I just like being around her." He shrugged.

"Yeah but-" Armin didn't finish, he looked up at Eren when he suddenly stopped. "What is it Eren?"

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