Chapter 2: Reality call

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"Hey! Come on, wake up!" Gently shaking her shoulders elicited no reaction. His jaw clenched and he swiftly removed his robe, tying it around her waist to cover the wound.
"Don't worry. You'll be okay..."
Resolute, he managed to lift her onto his back, securing her in a piggyback position.
"Just hang in there!" With a strained breath and a racing heart, he adjusted his grip and set off, determined to get the girl help as fast as possible.

 "Just hang in there!" With a strained breath and a racing heart, he adjusted his grip and set off, determined to get the girl help as fast as possible

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Ren could hear a voice calling out to her. Unsure if it was a figment of her imagination or an ethereal reality, she moved through the dimly lit expanse, her movements guided by an instinct she couldn't quite explain.
As her steps carried her forward, her hand stretched out into the obscurity, seeking solace in the unknown. In that moment, her hand met another, its size grand and slightly rugged, yet exuding an unexpected warmth. Despite the roughness of the touch, an inexplicable sense of comfort washed over her, drawing forth a tender smile that curved her lips.

The touch felt strangely familiar, but she couldn't quite place whose it was.
She experienced a firm, reassuring squeeze on her smaller hand, a gesture that lingered briefly before gently slipping away into the obscurity, leaving her enveloped once again in the darkness.


She stirred and her eyelids slowly parted, the world gradually coming into focus. The first thing she notices is the sterile scent of antiseptic that lingers in the air. Her vision adjusts to reveal a plain white ceiling above her, illuminated by the clinical glow of fluorescent lights.
Pain pulses through her body, aches and soreness permeating every limb.
With a gentle turn of her head, she takes in the unfamiliar surroundings-the crisp sheets, the hum of medical equipment, and the distant murmurs of people. Realization dawns as she pieces together the setting: she's in a hospital room.

The sudden awareness jolts her, flooding her mind with questions about how she ended up here and what might have happened. However, as she attempted to adjust her position on the bed, a sharp hiss escaped her lips, the movement intensifying the pain from her injuries.
Beneath the thin hospital gown, her hand tentatively traced the wound, sensing the line of stitches delicately running along her abdomen. Memories began flooding back, starting with her being chased by the young investigator, Juuzou. However, everything after that seemed to be just a blur of disjointed images.

Given her current condition, Ren concluded that he had probably fucked her up in the end.

Still, someone had tended to her.
She wondered if it was Kanou again.
"Dammit..." she grumbled in frustration, wrestling against her protesting muscles as she struggled to sit up. Her efforts were interrupted by the slow creaking of the door, drawing her attention away from her discomfort.

"Ah, I see you are finally awake."

Entering the room, a man with neatly groomed, short ebony hair caught her attention. His warm, brown eyes peered over glasses, giving her a composed yet intent look.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
She noticed his white coat and stethoscope, realizing he was the attending physician. Despite appearing to be in his mid-twenties, he exuded confidence and competence, qualities that likely reassured most patients.
However, Ren didn't quite feel the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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