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The unexpected turn of spending New Year's Eve in a hospital room unfolds as my best friend's baby decides to make an early entrance. The gender remains a mystery; Ambi and I stand on one side, while Hannah and Ava occupy the other. William, who has just arrived from Berlin, is rushing to the hospital. We doubt that he'll make it in time.

Ambi tenderly wipes Llyssa's forehead, urging her to resume pushing. The midwife's encouraging pleas fall on Llyssa's ears, but exhaustion clouds her determination.

"I can't... I'm tired," she cries, her voice trembling. She tries to look down, but Hannah quickly stops her.

"Yes, you can. You're almost there, honey," Ava's voice, though strained, conveys unwavering support. Llyssa, pale and weakened, nods, gripping my hand tightly. At last, William enters the room, impeccably attired in a navy blue three-piece suit, replacing Hannah and Ava on Llyssa's right side.

He grasps Llyssa's hand, planting gentle kisses on her forehead and lips, his facade barely concealing his fear the moment he looks between her legs. There seems to be no ethical explanation for his quick arrival, but the relief of his presence overshadows all else.

"I'm right here."

"William, I can't... I'm scared I won't make it," Llyssa's screams pierce through the room soon after uttering the words.

"Darling, I love you and nothing will happen while I'm here, just a few pushes and this will be over. I know you're exhausted, but you're halfway there," he reassures, a smile masking his anxiety. After moments of affirmation, she summons the strength to push. Deafening screams fill the room until finally, after an hour that feels like an eternity, the cries of a newborn resonate, mingling with Llyssa's joyous sobs.

"Congratulations, Mr and Ms Henderson, it's a girl."

"Thank fuck," Hannah and Ava mutter simultaneously, earning a stern glance from me. They sheepishly look away, grasping the gravity of the situation. William showers Llyssa with kisses on her forehead, lips, eyes, and hands, then gently cradles their daughter, teetering on the edge of tears. "You were incredible, my love."

"Marie Ann Henderson," he whispers, settling by his wife's side cradling her and their baby, as we respectfully withdraw to allow them privacy.

Ambi bids Llyssa a kiss before excusing herself, her fear of blood barely contained. Exasperated sighs and tears stream down our faces the moment we close the door behind us. Ava whispers, "What the actual fuck. I thought she was going to..." Her voice trails off as she can't bring herself to voice that terrible thought we all were thinking.

"I'm never having kids," Hannah admits, her voice shaking. Ambi remains shaken, her gaze fixed into the distance. After a few moments, I gather myself to join the others in the private suite. We are all having dinner when Llyssa's water breaks.

As I push open the door to the suite, they all rise almost instantly.

"Allyssa's stable and the baby is doing well. Everything's fine," I assure them, eliciting collective sighs of relief. Ms. Knight inquires, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a beautiful baby girl, Marie Ann Henderson," I answer, unable to contain my stupid smile. "Oh, how wonderful," Ms. Scott responds on the brink of tears. I answer all the questions, avoiding the gaze burning into my skin. I spend a few more hours in the hospital with Allyssa and the baby and leave because I have work tomorrow. Ava, Ambi, and Hannah stay for a while longer. I sit outside as I wait for my Uber driver to get here, but he appears to be taking his time.

"Mia Cara." I don't need to turn around to know who it is. It has been a year since Alessio and I parted ways. Following the incident with Llyssa, he finally revealed his affiliation with a notorious mafia, one of the most perilous in the world. That night, I broke up with him, moving on and even finding solace in a new relationship with Daniel. A music teacher by profession, Daniel represents safety, a secure and promising future, a happiness I sought, his only beige flag was his nationality and accent - American.

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