"Xavier," I heard my dad call me. "What's wrong?"

I looked at my hand and noticed my knuckles were slightly bleeding. I let out a small breath, looking up. My dad was standing in the doorway of the hallway, looking concerned.

"She," It hurt to even attempt to say it. "She left."

"Who?" My dad asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he made his way over to me. "Ryan?"

"Yeah," I said barely above a whisper, wanting to cry all over again. "She left me."

"I'm sorry, Xavier," my dad said, sighing. "I told you after the trip from Greece that she was only going to end up breaking your heart."

"I know," I said, remembering how I yelled at him that day; the idea was crazy to me, but now... "I should have listened to you."

My dad nodded his head, crossing his arms. "You know what helps forget about heartbreak?" My dad asked, grinning.

I shook my head, confused as to where he was going with this. "No."

"Work," he said, nodding his head. "Working hard and getting rewarded makes you forget about anything."

"The company," I said, realizing where this was going. "You still want me to take over the company?"

"And you'll do an excellent job," my dad grinned, patting my back. "You'll make billions."

"...Okay," I said, nodding my head. "I'll do it; I'll take over the company."

My dad embraced me in a hug. "I never thought I'd hear you say those words," my dad said, pulling away from the hug. "We'll start doing some of the company things together so you know more about it."

My dad smiled as he slightly ran off to his office. I sighed, looking down then to the ceiling.

I didn't want to do this, but I was going to trust my dad's words now. He was right before and I didn't listen which led to me feeling like an idiot, so from now on I'm trusting him no matter what.

I sighed as I made my way to my dad's office. Working better help forget about heartbreak.

My dad was sitting down at his desk, grabbing files about the company. He motioned me to sit down next to him which I did.

My dad started teaching me things about the company. How it worked, how to make it perfect, how to make it money, and so many more things.

Everything's going to change.

Three months later

I wandered around the huge campus of Harvard - my dad really did have ways. I looked around, grinning. This is where I was going to learn to become one of the most successful business men ever.

I kept walking until I found one of the main offices - I needed my schedule. I saw a girl maybe four years older than me, typing away on a computer.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah?" She said, continuing to type away not even looking at me.

"I need to get schedule. Pl-"

"Last name?"

"Hale," I replied. "Xavier Hale."

The girl instantly looked up at me, shocked, "Are you the son of James Hale?"

"Uh, yes," I said, slowly nodding my head. "Why?"

"No reason," the girl smile. She printed out a copy of my schedule and handed it to me, smiling, "I hope I see you around, Xavier."

"Thank you," I said, taking the schedule.

I walked out the campus and made my way to the quad. I looked around, looking at all the different students.

I noticed one girl who looked familiar. That's when I broke into a sprint to get to her. I couldn't believe it. She was back.

"Ryan?" I said, spinning the girl around.

"What is wrong with you?" The girl I span around asked, looking furious with me.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I softly replied, backing away. "I thought you were someone I knew."

The girl looked at me and then started smiling. She handed me a piece of paper, smirking, "Call me and I could help you forget about her."

She walked off and sighed, turning around. I was face to face with some guy with black her, blue eyes, pale skin, and was about an inch taller than me.

"Holy shit, dude," He said. "That was Crystal George."

"And I care because?" I asked confused.

"She's the hottest girl here!" The guy exclaimed. "What's your name?"

"Xavier Hale," I said. "And you?"

"Blake Johnston," he grinned. "Let's go."

"Uh, where?" I asked confused.

"I'm giving you a tour," he replied in a duh tone. "You're so lost."

Blake led me around the entire campus and by some miracle he was the guy I was sharing my dorm room with.

"So, you're not interested in her?" Blake asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"She's all yours, mate," I said, handing him her number. "There's only one girl in my heart."

"Thanks!" Blake grinned. "I'm going to go get some lunch; I'll bring you back something!" I thanked Blake as he ran off.

I sighed, throwing myself on my bed. All I could think about was Ryan and how I just wanted to hold her one more time. I shook my head, trying to think about something else.

Forget her, Xavier. You're doing this to forget her.

I sighed, opening my eyes, "Goodbye, Ryan Gonazalez."

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF PRETEND GIRLFRIEND AND THIS IS WHAT I HAD PLANNED ALL ALONG. SOOOO WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK? I REALLY ENJOYED WRITNG IT AND SEEING YOUR GUYS COMMENTS! I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED IT! AND NOW, *drum roll* THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL. I'll publish the first chapter of the sequel soon, but in the meant time, you should check out my tronnor fic called Ocean and vote, and comment.


P.s. I love you all and thank you for sticking to this story!

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