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You are a female seawing

E/C =eye color

S/C =scale color

Clay's POV

We were sitting on a cliff just facing the ocean "if I had noticed starflight was gone I could've prevented it, from him seeing the volcano explosion and him losing his sight" I felt bad, really bad if I had noticed a little earlier it wouldn't have happened.

"Clay it wasn't your fault alright how many times do I have to say it for it to sink into your thick skull" Y/N hissed as she ate a fish she had just caught not too long ago, which reminds me I'm kinda hungry. But besides that her voice was really comforting and warm

"But it was if I had noticed a little earlier it wouldn't have happened starflight would still be able to see" I protested which only caused her to roll her eye, something about her E/C eyes, you could get lost in them within seconds

"Clay, I'm only gonna say this one last time... It. Was. Not. Your. Fault" she playfully hit me with the fish which made me feel a little better

"But-" I was caught off by her gently kissing my lips, after a few seconds of what felt like heaven she pulled away

"Three moons, you talk a lot" she chuckles "I'm not going to sit here listening to you beat yourself up for something that would've happened anyway if you did or did not notice" she said but I didn't really care all I was paying attention to is how the dipping sun reflects off her S/C scales, she looked so beautiful in that moment, she always looks beautiful

"Alright I'll stop" I sighed, placing a wing around hehe "are you going to eat the rest of that?" I looked down at the fish she had between her talons, I was really hungry

"Nope not at all" she said tossing me the fish which I happily ate

Words ~ 332

My lord clay is so bbg material, he is so silly

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