When The Cicada Calls

Start from the beginning

Hugh: Blah, blah, blah. Leave me alone.

He hangs up and goes back to taking a shower, but no water came out. He checked it when a cicada came out.

Hugh: What is that? A bug?

That's when swarms of cicadas came out and attacked him. The next morning Scooby was watching a commercial while he and the gang were in the hospital waiting room.

Commerical: From fields and rivers come Nature Slivers, fish oil, flax, and wheat. Grandma Moonbeam cooks in her kitchen to give you good things to eat. Nature Slivers! When you want fish oil, flax, and wheat in one crunchy bite Nature Slivers. A division of Destroido.

Scooby: Ohh. I want to bite some Nature Slivers.

Shaggy: Like me too.

Fred comes over to them.

Fred: Okay, gang. I got it. Room 24-B.

They went to the room where Hugh was staying, and Grandma Moonbeam was there.

Grandma Moonbeam: There, there. Poor dear. Such and ordeal.

Y/N: Mr. Dederdee? Can we ask you a few questions?

Velma: We heard about your bug attack last night.

Hugh: Come on in. I'm not going anywhere.

Grandma Moonbeam: Well, I should go. Feel better, dear.

Shaggy and Scooby: Grandma Moonbeam?

Shaggy: We're, like, your biggest fans.

Scooby: Nature Silvers. Yummy.

Grandma Moonbeam: Well, now, isn't that nice? After I sold my company to Destroido Hugh here has been instrumental in making them so popular among young people.

Fred: You work at Destroido too?

Hugh: Mm-hmm.

Velma: Just like the other victim.

Grandma Moonbeam: Well, I'll leave you all to talk.

She leaves.

Fred: Mr. Dederdee, do you have any idea why you were attacked?

Hugh: Not really. I got a call a couple weeks ago. Some deep-voiced creepy guy said if I didn't quit my job at Destroido something terrible would happen to me. I never thought it will be...

The heart monitor beeps faster.

Hugh: Disgusting bugs... Bugs, bugs all over me! Bug! Buzzing bugs! All over me! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!

He screams as the gang leaves.

Daphne: Thanks again, Mr. Dederdee.

PA: Code Blue. Crash cart in room 613.

Fred: Good question-and-answer session, eh, gang.

Y/N hears the flatline.

Y/N: It... could have gone better.

They enter the elevator.

Fred: Uh, hit the lobby, will you, Shag?

Shaggy clicks lobby and they go down to the basement.

Velma: Nice one, dog boy. You pressed the wrong button. This is the basement.

Shaggy: No, I didn't. Like, see? Lobby.

Y/N tries to click lobby but nothing.

Scooby: Hmm. Must be broken.

Fred turns on the lights and it short circuits and the elevator closes behind them.

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