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Alicia awoke to bright moonlight and the smell of blood. Distant stomps from far off, all around her. She paused. She had died, wondered a mirror maze, and unwilling walked into the reality of Attack on Titan.

As she looked around, she could tell that she was unnervingly tall, as in meters tall. She steadied herself and looked down. "What the fuck?!" Try as she might, all that left her was an unholy screeching sound. She sounded akin to a baby that hadn't learned to talk. Maybe she could teach herself to talk as she stayed in this hell, Alicia thought to herself.

She stood still, collecting her muses before testing out her movements. She flexed her right arm, then the left, her hands, then her legs, feet, and toes. She tilts her head and slowly, like a newborn doe, takes a hesitant step forward. She repeated the process over and over again until she could walk somewhat walk well.

She moved, rotated her body, rolled her shoulders, popped her back, and stretched. Three hours had passed, and the night had grown darker when she felt as if she had gained enough control of her body to move.

As she walked along the rows of houses, some in varying stated of dilapidation, some pristine.

She walked the roads in silence, her steps softened as she adjusted her stance, as she familiarized herself with the area, she paused. One particular house with a caved in top, and a perfectly safe basement.


Two months had passed. She had been a titan for 2 months. Alicia had become increasingly detached with the fact that she was a ginormous nude humanoid. Maybe her humdrum attitude was to do with the fact that she learned that she could willingly adjust her height to whatever she wanted as long as it wasn't above eighteen meters, or below two meters, but she had grown used to thunderous footsteps, and wandering as night fell.

She only wandered after the moon rose into the sky, her irrational fear of being eaten by other titans stood unshakable. She was able to eat regular foods, at least what was still edible around the houses she sought refuge in.
In her time there, she had found that she was in the Shingashina District, based on the thin layers of dust in some houses and the calenders on the walls, as well as the fresh scent of blood that she smelt when she first became conscious, she assumed it was soon after the fall of Shingashina.

She truly hoped she wasn't too far off.


Four more months had passed.

She had been a titan for 6 six months in total, and it wasn't too bad. She was able to speak now. Simple things, small sentences, phrases. She was dumbfounded to note that she actually understood German as if it were English.


It had been eleven months since she came to this dystopian world. She could speak clearly, and she had complete control of her size and mobility. She had decided that she would... help the scouting regiment.

She knew it was a bad idea, that it could, and very possibly would, end in disaster, but she was desperate to not waste her life away again. Before she died, she was practically wasting away whilst conforming to a society that only cared about appearances. She did not want to live through that again, and so she made a decision.

She would help the scouting regiment from afar but would only interfere physically should the situation call for it. For now, she would start with getting rid of the titans in Shingashina, but before that, she had to find where the titans were entering from.

It took another month to completely block the whole Colossal Titan made, especially with Alicia only working during the night, but it was done. In total, a year has passed since she appeared in Shingashina. She had a few more years before the scout made the expedition to Eren's basement. She only had so much time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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