40: Puzzle Pieces

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"Laswell the Missile that hit Russia, was it American?" Ghost asks.

"My contact says yes." The room grew quiet.

"Farah, your people will be blamed for this attack along with the US," I state, taking a bite from my emergency safe snack.

"Who gave it to you?" Price asks. Farah sighed and took her time to say. "Farah!"

"General Shepard and Shadow company." Price and the others only groan in annoyance and pain. My eyes slightly widen, and I slow down on my munching.

The back was loud, it was the only sound in the entire room. I continue to dig into the bag grabbing handfuls of gummies and popping them in.

"Flaca, don't eat Nerds Gummy right now—" Charlie turns to me, like an irritated dad. It was almost a reminiscence of the fries' incident.

"Charlie, I'm hungry, sleep deprived, and running on pure 'I told you so', let me live!" I whine back.

"Fuck it." He said and walked away from me.

"Ghost, I think I was right," I turn to him.

"About?" Price asks.

"Makarov is probably in Mexico building that second bomb, with cartel help." I state, "Oh Charlie, the Sinaloa Riders are a part of it." I state seriously.

He closed his eyes and squatted down covering his face, I could feel his shame, his fear all over again. His shoulder sagged as a long-pained sigh exits him. His guilt was evident in him, even my oblivious ass can see it.

"Are you sure?" His voice comes out shaky.

"Alejandro confirmed it."

"Dios, por favor, ayúdame, dame fuerzas," He mumbles.

"What's wrong?" Soap asks as Gaz moves closer to Charlie.

"His Opts," I state.

"He has enemies?" Soap said in shock.

"Johnny," I begin, "That man got more enemies than everyone in this room... besides me," I mumble the last part... I probably have the most... probably. "Former gangster, he has enemies."


"The police, the law, other gangs, the government— we mad struggling." I list off absentmindedly as I munch on.

"Shit," Charlie stands up and looks at me, guilt fills his eyes. He hasn't forgiven himself; I doubt he ever will. His eyes soften and he reaches out for my cheek.

"It's not your fault," I tell him. He stayed quiet.

"What isn't his fault—" Soap begins to ask, so nosy!

"Nothing," we both said at once. This isn't the time we explain our DnDesk level of madness backstory. It's for when we have some downtime. knowing the Sergeants, they'll be up Charlie's ass to get information.

König frowns, He doesn't fully trust the two, but they are hiding something that he truly is curious about. He still didn't like Gisele, something about her just felt wrong.

Ghost eyed the two, their terribly hidden romance irked him. They could at least act more professionally. Why were they sent an immature couple?

"Pack your things, we leave in 30." We all nod and Charlie drags me out of the office. He closed the door behind him and turned to me with a seriously storm expression

"Flaca, you're not going back to Mexico."


"Gisele!" I can hear the stress drooling from his thick drawl. Sometimes in stressful situations, he slips back to his southern roots.

"I don't want you near them, not again!"


"They'll kill you—"

"Diego!" I snap he stops talking looking at me like a scared child, "I'm not seventeen, I can protect myself."

"But—" I put my forehead against his.

"Have you forgotten you're coming along with me?" He let out a sigh and nod.

"We'll be fine."

"I'll protect you this time," he mumbled, stroking my cheek with his hand. I can tell he wasn't really here, stuck in that moment. That sinister moment.


"бинго," The woman smiles her finger gliding across her keyboard. "General Gibson, perfect."

"This is your last chance, Milena."

"I understand," Her voice comes out strained and laced with dread and panic.

"Y/N L/N, different names but they are related."

"This one," Makarov looked at the young girl, "She's with 141."

"Yes, she is."

"Sink her."

Echoes|| König x Reader x GhostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz