chap 5. cherry bomb

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My smile quickly fades from my face and my eyes widen, I look down and notice them carrying an axe.

As soon as I turn around the killer runs up to me and Clapton.

I grab his hand and his grip tightens as we run, we run to the CD section, which looks similar to books but instead it's thousands of cds, and vinyls, and records.

I spot the fire alarm right above a fire extinguisher.

I hear the killers axe moving against the ground.

I quickly hit the fire alarm, which alerts the police and everybody around us, the sprinklers from the ceiling starts spraying everywhere.

I grab the fire extinguisher and let go of Claptons hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks me with fear in his eyes, "if anything happens, take care of Ione okay?" I say and he tries to grab me but fails.

I run up to the killer and bash their head with the fire extinguisher, the axe slides to the opposite side of the music store.

"Fucker." I yell as they pull out a knife, my eyes widen.

They push me on the ground slash my arm, I kick them in the stomach hard, they tumble backwards.

I try to find an exit, as soon as I reach the door I notice Clapton outside.

My eyes widen and I smile knowing he's safe.

The killer grabs my hand and tries to stab me again, I fight back and inside get slash on my chest.

"Fuck." I mutter, I hear the police sirens and I quickly run outside as the killer escapes.

Clapton sees me and his eyes instantly light up, he runs up to me.

He gets super close and hugs me, I hug him back.

"Thank god." He says and he puts his hands on my cheeks and looks down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, terror, fear, and sadness in his eyes.

I nod and he pulls me into another hug.

The police walk up to us and start to ask a bunch of questions.

I show them the cuts on my arm, they lead us to the police car.

Me and Clapton sat patiently in the back of the police cars, being driven to the police station.

I was feeling rattled after the attack, glad to have survived, but still feeling the effects of having seen the killer so close.

Clapton held my hand, his thumb slowly rubbing my hand, I can feel him still shaking slightly.

Although he keeps reassuring me and offering his support. We both sat in silence on the ride there.

When we arrived at the police station, me and Clapton were escorted inside and lead to a small room, where two detectives waited to interview them.

I felt slightly anxious and wondered what kind of questions they would ask.

Me and Clapton sat down in 2 chairs and the detectives looked at us.

"What did the killer look like?" One of the detectives said, he had a shaved head, brown hair, blue eyes and a stubble, his eyes looked tired like he hadn't slept in days, he had a tag and it read; Detective Owen's

"They looked like the killer from CinderHella, the new horror movie, not exactly like, more like a cheaply made copycat." I say and Clapton nods.

The other detective nods, as we are talking he is writing everything in a notebook.

The other detective has slicked back black hair, he has cold brown eyes, his face stays the same the whole time, cold and no emotion.

I look down and read his tag, "Detective Michael." I mutter to myself.

"Okay.. did you see what kind of weapon the killer was holding?" Detective Owen's asks.

I nod, "First it was an axe, and then a knife." I say and the detective nods.

"What kind of knife, pocket knife? Kitchen knife?" He adds, "it was like a kitchen knife, like the one ghostface used in the scream." I add and both detectives nod.

"Did you leave any marks on the killer?" Detective Michael asks, his voice sounds raspy and bored.

"I hit the killer in the head with a fire extinguisher, and I kicked the killer in the stomach." I add and they nod.

"Any marks on you?" The detective asks and I nod.

I show them the cut on my arm and chest, "okay, we will send someone in to clean those cuts, and you young sir, I'd like to speak with you in the hallway." Detective Michael says.

I watch as Clapton stands up, clearly uncomfortable and upset, I watch him stand up with his hands clenched.

Detective Owen's leaves the room and a cop comes in with a medical kit.

For a slight second the door is open and I hear a piece of Claptons and Detective Michael's conversation.

"But dad!" I hear Clapton say, "no." Detective Michael says before shaking his head.

The cop cleans my cuts and I flinch in pain a little, but I feel better after.

"This will most likely leave a scar from how deep the cuts were." The cop adds and I nod.

"Thank you." I say politely.

The cop opens the door for me to walk out of the small room.

I see Clapton and Detective Michael arguing.

"Bye Clapton." I say waving, "Bye Maddie." He adds before turning back to his dad.

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄, clapton davisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat