Chapter 1

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The day was early and it seemed like the weather was nice and calm so it was sort of expected the day would be nice and calm as well. Laxus wasn't sure if that was true, though.

The mighty Thunder God was sitting on his seat and staring at a tiny creature sitting at the other side of the table. Those big purple eyes were staring at him back and Laxus felt a bit uneasy. Many would still shudder if they had to sit so close to him and some didn't even dare to look him directly in the eyes.

But not Asuka. What a weird girl. She was just sitting there, staring at him and smiling happily.

"What are we going to do?" she asked, excited to spend the whole day with the Lightning Dragon Slayer.

Laxus grunted.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" he asked. What should he do with Asuka? He didn't know how to interact with kids. Who the hell would think that making him a babysitter would be a good idea?

Asuka thought about it a moment. What did she want to do?

"Can we play with Bickslow, Freed and Evergreen?" she asked with a smile and Laxus huffed. Oh god yes! One of those three had to know how to deal with kids, right? At least Bickslow, he was acting like a kid anyway so he should be just fine with Asuka. And Freed and Evergreen were smart, they should know how to make sure Laxus wouldn't accidentally end up killing the girl during the day.

Asuka smiled and she hopped down, quickly circling around the table to grab Laxus' huge hand.

"Let's go find them!" she said and Laxus nodded getting up. He was confused but also a bit amused how Asuka simply wasn't at all afraid of him. It was actually quite nice.

"I don't know where they are", he said.

"Don't worry, you've got me", Asuka smiled. "So we can find them."

"I see, that does make sense", Laxus said with a tiny chuckle. "Well it looks like they're not in the Hall", he said when looking around. There were lots of their other guild mates sitting around and doing their own things, but none of the members of Thunder Legion were around.

"Freed reads a lot, I bet he's in the book room", Asuka said.

"Book room? You mean library?"

"Yes! Let's go there!" Asuka quickly said and started to lead Laxus towards a hallway.

They passed some rooms while walking, some were just storage rooms and some were rooms where people could just relax alone and maybe take a nap or something like that. They also passed the infirmary and briefly greeted Wendy and Carla who were there.

Finally they got to double doors and Asuka pushed one of the heavy doors open with just a little bit help from Laxus.

Their guild house's library wasn't really that big, but there were lots of shelves full of books so guess it could be called like a tiny library? Or something like that, Laxus didn't really care. He couldn't even remember when was the last time he had been here.

They stepped inside and looked around.

"Freed!" Asuka called and they heard a soft thud. "Are you here, Freed?"

"Asuka?" they heard a confused voice and then steps.

Soon they saw the Rune Mage who stepped out from behind one of the big shelves and the man looked clueless.

"Is everything okay?" he asked when coming to them and he was even more confused when he saw Laxus with Asuka.

"Yeah, everything is fine", Laxus said. "Asuka wants to play with the Thunder Legion so we came to find you guys. Even she knew the library was the first place where to start looking for you", he smirked and Freed laughed.

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