The Cable Car

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While trying to reach Annette, Nick unexpectedly bumped into Claire and Sherry. Relief washed over him when he saw them.

"Claire!" he called out, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and joy.

"Nick, you're okay!" Claire exclaimed, her relief evident as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. "I honestly thought you were dead."

Nick flashed a reassuring smile as he held onto Claire. "Can't get rid of me that easily."

Nick looked down at Sherry, her condition visibly deteriorated as she sat against the wall.

"Sherry, are you okay?" Nick asked urgently, his voice filled with genuine worry as he crouched down beside her. He turned to Claire, seeking answers. "What happened to her?"

Claire's voice trembled slightly as she responded, her own concern mirroring Nick's. "I don't know for sure, but I think she may have been infected with a virus."

Nick's eyes widened in shock, his voice laced with a mix of fear and disbelief. "What?!" His mind raced, grappling with the horrifying implications of Sherry's potential infection.

He looked at Sherry's face and noticed a large, red vein protruding and snaking across her pale features. Blood dripped from her right eye, causing Nick's heart to sink with panic.

"Oh my god, what do we do?" Nick's voice quivered with fear and desperation as he scanned the room for answers.

Suddenly, Ada burst through the door, brandishing a gun and startling Claire. Tension filled the air as both women raised their weapons, ready to defend themselves.

"Woah, Ada, it's okay," Nick intervened, stepping in between them with a raised hand. "We need to focus on Sherry. She's in bad shape, and we can't afford any distractions right now."

"Wait, you know her?" Claire asked, her voice brimming with surprise as she turned towards Nick.

"Yeah, her name is Ada Wong," Nick explained. "She works for the FBI and saved my life before."

Nick's gaze shifted towards Ada, expecting a reciprocal acknowledgment, but found her looking past him, fixated on Sherry.

"Sherry? Sherry Birkin?" Ada's voice held a mix of recognition and disbelief. The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air, leaving Nick and Claire stunned.

"What?" Nick and Claire exclaimed in unison.

"This is Annette's daughter," Ada pointed out, her eyes locked onto Sherry's fragile figure.

Ada took a closer look at Sherry and confirmed the infection. Her hand instinctively reached for her gun, ready to make a difficult decision, but before she could act, Nick's firm grip prevented her from drawing it.

"Don't even think about it," Nick's voice carried a resolute tone, his eyes locking with Ada's.

"She's infected!" Ada protested.

"Yeah, but we're not going to just kill her! There's gotta be something we can do," Claire interjected, her voice filled with determination.

Ada paused, her eyes darting between the three of them, a look of doubt etched across her face.  "Okay, fine. Annette might have something in her lab to treat her. We need to go to Nest."

"Nest?" Nick questioned.

"Nest is the secret underground facility, deeper within this complex. Annette spent a lot of time there. It's where we might find a potential cure for Sherry."

"Well, let's go then," Claire said firmly as she gently picked up Sherry in her arms and began walking.

As Ada attempted to join them, she stumbled and fell to her knee, wincing in pain. Nick's observant eyes immediately caught sight of a deep wound on Ada's leg.

"Need some help?" Nick offered, extending a supportive hand towards Ada.

"I'm fine," Ada replied as she quickly stood up, trying to mask the pain. She limped behind Claire.

"Just trying to help," Nick reassured with a gentle smile, falling into step behind Ada as they followed Claire.

They all entered a nearby cable car, its metal frame creaking faintly as they settled inside. Nick took the driver's seat, starting up the vehicle. Claire positioned herself next to Sherry and gently held her, ensuring she was comfortable. Ada found a seat opposite them, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a guarded intensity.

As the cable car began its descent, a chill permeated the air, causing Sherry to shiver. "So cold," she whispered under her breath, her voice barely audible over the mechanical hum of the contraption.

Claire immediately sprang into action, sensing Sherry's discomfort. She swiftly removed her vibrant red jacket and draped it over Sherry's shoulders, creating a warm cocoon for her fragile form. "Is that better?"

Sherry nodded weakly, a small smile forming on her lips despite her weakened state. "Thank you."

Claire chuckled softly, a bittersweet twinkle in her eyes. "My brother gave that to me. It's supposed to be lucky."

"What a group we are, huh?" Ada said, chuckling slightly. "We have a man with a bullet wound in his shoulder, a woman with a stab wound in her leg, and a child infected with the virus."

"It's been a rough night," Nick said softly as he sat next to Claire, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He gently lifted Sherry's legs and placed them on his lap, ensuring her comfort.

"I just can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella and take those bastards down," Claire said coldly, her voice brimming with righteous anger.

"I agree, but to be clear, you two are not working officially here. This is a federal case, so once we get the G virus, I'm back on my own," Ada explained.

Nick nodded in understanding."Whatever you say."

Ada's gaze hardened, her voice resolute. "Bring me the G virus, and I will make sure what happened here never happens again," she declared passionately, her words carrying a weight of determination and a promise for retribution.

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