The Call

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Hey everyone just wanted to give you a quick update. I know I haven't been on here much but it doesn't mean that Caro and Gina are not working effortlessly to get news on their beloved Quilt. As you all know Caro contacted local City of Angels DJ Ted Stryker asking him for help with the quilt. As you also know last time she touched base with him he said "He was working on it"

Well this time HE touched base with her. His birthday just recently passed and she wanted to take the oportunity to wish him a Happy Birthday and ask about the Quilt. She graciously asked if he could please contact her via e-mail, IG, or phone to give her an update. Tuesday afternoon during his regular time slot on 106.7 KROQ and before he went of the air she received a phone call from Ted Stryker himself!

She discreetly asked about the quilt while he did ask if the Quilt was received and was told it was, he did not get confirmation. HOWEVER he did state that he still has her letter to Jared and it is our beleif that next time he sees Jared he will turn over her letter to him. While we may have to continue to wait another 2 months, Jared will finally know of the quilt's existence and hopefully finally acknowledge it.

Just wanted to say thank you all for your love and support and I hope to give you more good news soon xoxoxoxo

P.S. If any of you will be attending Camp Mars can you please let me know in the comments , we have an idea xoxoxo

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