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( silenced - no episode; season two)


Michael trevino ▬ tyler baird


Kristin ritter ▬ laura bauren

TW: mentions of sexual abuse; blood.

THE TEAM HAD BEEN DIVIDED. Derek, Hotch, and Gideon had left to inspect the crime scene, trying to understand further about the Unsub's mind.

Spencer, Rebeka, and, of course, JJ were left at the police station. JJ was occupied with restricting the spread of details and misinformation in the news.

Spencer and Rebeka, instead, were engaged in drafting a geographical profile. Having only two sites of murder and three sites of abduction wasn't much, but they could work with it...

They had to work with it.

Rebeka stared at the crime board, examining the connections between the places. Nothing was particularly sticking out; the site seemed casual as if he knew perfectly how to calculate his every move without ever committing mistakes or creating patterns.

Rebeka stepped closer to the map attached to the board, her arm brushing against Spencer's.
He turned to look down at her, observing her as she kept her gaze was fixed in front of her, completely zoned out.

His brows creased briefly, his lips tugging upwards at the sight; her eyes narrowed faintly, the side of her bottom lip between her teeth, her- "We need to contact Penelope." Spencer blinked fast when the sound of Rebeka's voice reached his ears, and he noticed her eyes locked on his.

He frowned in thought before clearing his throat. "W-why?" he asked, his eyes fixating on her as she walked to the phone.

"If she can confirm what I'm thinking, then we might have a connection," she announced, the corner of her lips twitching upwards while she dialed the tech analyst's number. Spencer raised his brows slightly, impressed by her abilities but also perplexed as to how she saw a connection he had ignored.

He got closer, leaning his hands on the table, his arm almost brushing with Rebeka's. She glanced at him as they waited for Penelope to pick up, her eyes catching the rosy tint on his cheek. She suppressed another smile when his hazel eyes caught hers, looking back down at the phone.

"Oh, pleasant colleagues, how can the tech genie help you today? Remember, only three wishes." A smile formed on both agents as Penelope's chirping voice echoed in the room.

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