Chapter 17: Double Date Dinner

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It was a new chapter in our family's story, and Travis had one more test up his sleeve for James – how he'd handle the paparazzi with Bridget. We planned a double date, a subtle way to ease him into the peculiar world we lived in. Each couple took their private cars, Travis and I leading the way.

As we stepped out of our car, cameras started to flash immediately, a familiar frenzy that still made my heart race. We paused, lingering near the entrance, pretending to fix something while waiting for James and Bridget to arrive.

Then their car pulled up. My eyes were glued to James, curious to see his reaction. He didn't disappoint. With a calm demeanor, he stepped out first and then, like a gentleman straight out of a romantic movie, opened the door for Bridget. His hand found hers instantly, a protective yet tender gesture that spoke volumes.

I noticed the way his eyes scanned the surroundings – vigilant but not overly tense. He was ensuring Bridget's safety, yet not allowing the chaos to rattle him. They moved through the swarm of paparazzi, a bubble of calm in the midst of a storm.

I couldn't help but chuckle, nudging Travis. "Looks like he's taken a page out of your book," I whispered.

Travis, his eyes following them with a mix of scrutiny and quiet approval, nodded. "He's doing good. Holding her hand, watching out for her... reminds me of someone," he said with a wry smile.

I leaned into Travis, feeling a sense of pride. "He's handling it better than most would on their first run. Bridget chose well," I murmured, watching as James and Bridget, hand in hand, disappeared into the venue, a protective bubble around them.

Travis wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. "Yeah, she did," he agreed. We shared a smile, a silent acknowledgment of this new milestone in our daughter's life. With that, we turned and followed them inside, ready to enjoy our evening together, a family and the new addition navigating the complexities of our world, one step at a time.

Inside the restaurant, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the frenzy outside. It was cozy and intimate, the dim lighting and soft music creating a serene bubble. We settled into our seats, the four of us around a private table tucked away in a corner. Bridget, her eyes gleaming with amusement, turned to us.

"So, how did we do?" she asked, a playful edge to her voice. She was clearly referring to their entrance, a test of sorts set up by us.

Travis chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I'd say you passed with flying colors," he said to James, his tone light but sincere.

I smiled, reaching across the table to give Bridget's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You both were like pros. James, you handled it amazingly well," I added, wanting to make sure he knew how much we appreciated his efforts to make Bridget feel safe and comfortable.

James seemed a bit embarrassed by the praise but managed a modest smile. "Thank you, Ms. Swift. It's all new to me, but I just wanted to make sure Bridget was okay," he said earnestly.

Travis raised an eyebrow playfully. "It's Taylor, please. And you're doing great. Just remember, the key with paparazzi is to stay calm and keep moving," he advised, his voice tinged with a bit of his own experience.

Bridget rolled her eyes but her smile was wide, clearly touched by our approval and James' efforts. "See, I told you they're not that scary," she teased, nudging James gently.

I laughed, happy to see Bridget so at ease. "Well, we might have a few more tips and tricks up our sleeves, but you guys are off to a great start," I said.

The conversation then shifted to lighter topics, the initial tension melting away into laughter and shared stories. It was a beautiful evening, a blending of our world with James', a promising start to what I hoped would be a long and happy journey together.

As the evening progressed, I caught Bridget's eye and nodded subtly towards the restroom. It was our unspoken signal for a quick mother-daughter debrief, a tradition of ours during important moments.

We excused ourselves, leaving the men to their conversation, and made our way to the ladies' room. Once inside the privacy of the elegantly furnished space, Bridget immediately turned to me, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"So? What do you really think?" she asked, barely containing her eagerness.

I leaned against the counter, watching her reflection in the mirror as I adjusted my hair. "James is great, Bee. He's respectful, charming, and clearly cares about you," I said sincerely.

Bridget's smile broadened, and she let out a relieved sigh. "I thought so too! I was so nervous about tonight, you know? Bringing him into our world, it's a lot."

I reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "I know, sweetie. But you handled it perfectly. And James... he didn't even flinch with the paparazzi circus. That's impressive."

She laughed, a light, carefree sound. "I think he was more scared of dad than the paparazzi!"

I chuckled, imagining Travis's overprotective dad mode in full swing. "Well, your dad has a way of... making an impression. But James held his own."

Bridget nodded, checking her reflection and reapplying her lipstick. "He did. And I really like him, mom. He makes me happy."

Seeing the genuine happiness in her eyes, I felt a wave of relief and joy. "That's all I've ever wanted for you, Bee. To find someone who makes you truly happy."

We shared a smile in the mirror, a moment of understanding and connection. It felt like a new chapter for Bridget, one filled with promise and hope.

As we headed back to the table, Bridget looped her arm through mine. "Thanks, mom. For being so cool about everything."

I squeezed her arm gently. "Always, Bee. You know I'm your biggest fan, right?"

She nodded, her grin infectious. "Right back at you, mom."

Rejoining the men, I felt a deep sense of contentment. Our family was evolving, growing, but our bond remained as strong as ever.

As Bridget and I returned to the table, I noticed James looked slightly uneasy, his eyes darting between Travis and the rest of us. Bee caught the look too and rolled her eyes, directing her attention to Travis.

"Dad, what did you tell him?" she asked, half-amused, half-exasperated.

Travis, trying to keep a straight face, replied with a chuckle, "Oh, nothing much. Just a friendly dad-to-boyfriend chat."

I raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to it than Travis was letting on. "Really, Travis? Just a friendly chat?"

He leaned back in his chair, his expression a mix of mock innocence and playful mischief. "Well, I might have mentioned that if he breaks my daughter's heart, his head will be metaphorically kicked in like a football scoring a touchdown," he said, a twinkle in his eye.

James's eyes widened for a moment, but then he let out a nervous laugh, clearly trying to gauge how serious Travis was. Bridget, however, wasn't having any of it and playfully hit Travis on the arm while hugging James.

"Dad! You can't say things like that!" she exclaimed, though I could tell she was struggling to hide a smile.

Travis just shrugged, still grinning. "I'm just looking out for you, Bee. You know I've always got your back."

Bridget shook her head, but her eyes were full of affection for her overprotective father. "I know, Dad. And I love you for it, but you've got to give James a chance."

"Of course, of course," Travis conceded, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. "James, I'm just messing with you. You seem like a great guy."

James relaxed a little, offering a grateful smile. "Thank you, Mr. Swift. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, please, call me Travis," Travis finally told him. Bridget grinned. That's how we knew James truly won over Bee's biggest protector, apart from me, of course.

The conversation then shifted to lighter topics, and the evening continued in a more relaxed atmosphere. I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and love for my family.

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