Chapter 14: Don't Mess With the Swifts

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Upon its release, Karma instantly reached number 1. My fans were appreciative of my comeback and the buzz of it all introduced hundreds of thousands of strangers to my music for the first time. We were invited to do a promo event and have decided to attend it together as a family.
The night of the red carpet was a whirlwind of flashing cameras and excited fans. As we stepped out together, there was a palpable sense of unity and pride among us. Bridget, now more confident and self-assured, glowed with a maturity far beyond her years. Lena stayed at home with a sitter - I wasn't quite ready to bring her into the limelight. A child her age shouldn't experience fame.
Travis, ever the protective figure, kept a watchful eye on us, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. We posed for pictures, the three of us together, a rare public glimpse into our private world. The fans' cheers were overwhelming, their love and support for my comeback album, 'Karma', palpable in the air.
As we walked down the red carpet, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. This album, a labor of love born from the deepest parts of my heart, had resonated with so many. Seeing my family beside me, sharing in this moment of triumph, was a reminder of how far we'd come together. It was a celebration not just of my music, but of the resilience, love, and unity that had defined our journey as a family.
We stopped by the first interviewer. "And here's the Swift family in full!"
"Minus the youngest one," I smiled, grabbing Bridget's hand.
As the interviewer turned to me, the flash of cameras and the buzz of the red carpet felt familiar yet exhilarating. "Taylor, it's fantastic to have you back. 'Karma' is a phenomenal success. Can you tell us what inspired this album?" she asked, her microphone poised.
I smiled, feeling the warmth of the spotlight. "Thank you! 'Karma' is a reflection of my journey these past few years. It's about growth, facing challenges, and finding strength in love and family. Each song tells a story from my life, some hard lessons, and some beautiful moments."
The interviewer nodded, turning to Travis. "Travis, you must be so proud. How do you feel about Taylor's triumphant return to music?"
He put his arm around me, beaming. "Absolutely proud. Taylor's talent and dedication are inspiring. Seeing her pour her heart and soul into this album, and now watching the world embrace it, it's incredible."
Then, the focus shifted to Bridget. "Bridget, your mom's songs often draw from personal experiences. How does it feel to be part of that narrative?"
Bridget, looking as glamorous as ever, responded confidently. "It's pretty surreal, honestly. Growing up with her music, and now to be a part of the stories she tells—it's special. Her music has always been a powerful voice, and I think 'Karma' speaks volumes about where we are as a family now."
The interviewer gave a knowing smile. "Taylor, can you give us any hints about what's next for you?"
I pondered for a moment. "For now, I'm just enjoying this moment. There's always new music brewing in my mind, but right now, I'm soaking in the success of 'Karma' and spending time with my loved ones."
"And finally, any message for your fans?" she asked, rounding off the interview.
I looked straight into the camera, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Just a huge thank you. Your support means everything to me. I hope 'Karma' resonates with you as much as it does with me. Stay tuned, there's always more to come!"

Bridget's POV

The moment I saw Stephen Mayer among the crowd, my heart rate spiked. My parents were busy signing autographs, their attention completely absorbed by the fans. I knew this was my chance. I had to confront him, to close this chapter for good.
I made my way through the crowd, my resolve strengthening with each step. As I approached him, he noticed me and a flicker of surprise crossed his face.
"Stephen," I said firmly, stopping in front of him. "We need to talk."
His expression shifted to one of guarded curiosity. "Bridget, what are you doing here?"
I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anger and relief. "I'm here because I have something to say to you. You hurt me, you used me, and that's not okay. I thought what we had was real, but it was just a game to you."
Stephen opened his mouth to respond, but I held up my hand to stop him. "No, let me finish. I've moved on. I've learned from this, and I'm stronger now. But you need to know the impact of your actions."
He looked taken aback, his facade faltering. "Bridget, I—"
"I don't need your excuses," I cut him off, my voice steady. "I just wanted you to see me now, to know that I'm not the same person you manipulated. I'm done with this chapter of my life."
As I turned to walk away, feeling a mix of triumph and nerves, mom suddenly appeared at my side, her expression a mix of concern and pride. She gently took my arm, guiding me away from Stephen and the potential spectacle.
"Good job, Bee," she whispered, giving my arm a reassuring squeeze. "Let's get back to dad."
As we walked back, I noticed Dad, his face a picture of protective alertness, but with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Well, that was a bit of déjà vu, huh?" he said with a light chuckle. "Reminds me of that Mayer showdown years ago."
I couldn't help but smile at the memory. It felt like a lifetime ago, yet here I was, standing up for myself once again, but this time with a firmer, more mature resolve.
"Yeah, but this time I didn't need a sassy comeback," I replied, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I just needed the truth."
Mom looked at me, her eyes shining with a mixture of emotions. "That's my girl," she said softly. "Strong and brave."
As we rejoined the crowd, signing autographs and smiling for the cameras, I felt an overwhelming sense of support and love from my family. It was a moment of unity, a testament to how far we'd all come together. Mom and I got lost in the moment when we realized Travis wasn't with us.
Before we could do anything Travis's voice boomed from across the crowd, unmistakable and fierce. He stood tall, his protective stance unmistakable, his gaze fixed on Stephen Mayer. "And you," he said pointedly, his voice thundering, "stay away from 18-year-olds. Stay away from kids, period."
Mom and I exchanged a glance, a mix of surprise and admiration in her eyes. Despite the chaos of the red carpet, Travis's words echoed, a clear and unwavering warning. His protective nature, always a defining part of him, was on full display.
As we moved away, the intensity of the moment lingered. Mom reached for Travis's hand, her touch a silent thank you for his steadfast support. I looked at him, my stepdad, who had stood by me through so much, feeling a deep gratitude.
Travis might not have been my biological father, but in moments like these, his love and protectiveness spoke volumes. It was clear that in his heart, and in ours, he was family, through and through.
As we tried to navigate through the frenzy of interviewers, their questions flew at us like a storm. Cameras flashed, capturing every reaction, every emotion on our faces.
"Bridget, can you tell us what just happened with Stephen Mayer?" one reporter shouted, aiming the question at me.
Before I could even process the question, Travis stepped in. "That's a family matter," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the noise. His protective stance was like a shield, keeping the probing questions at bay.
Another interviewer, undeterred, pushed forward. "Is this a continuation of your confrontation with John Mayer years ago?" the question was directed at me, but it was mom who answered.
She replied with a grin, "Let's just say, you don't mess with the Swifts." Her confidence and poise amidst the chaos were almost tangible.
Travis nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the crowd, always on alert. We knew, as a family, we were a team – strong, united, and unbreakable. The interviews continued, but with mom's words, it felt like we had regained some control over the situation.
As we finally made our way through the sea of reporters and fans, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. We were the Swifts, and together, we could handle anything.

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