Spinning on your heel, you drew a rune in the air with your left hand, your staff pointing at.....


You relaxed your body, stamping your staff onto the floor and putting a protective barrier around yourself as you laughed tiredly, your palm pressing against your forehead.

“I probably used too much magical energy in that class, that must be why I'm so jumpy. There's no way anyone would be following me. All the students are trying to get to their classes right now and I should probably do the same.”

You went to find the training room, a sour look on your face as you were dreading your next class.



Looking across the training room, I tried looking for (Name) after bowing to Alexia, my eyes nearly turning to slits as I spied some other boy wearing her hat and smiling at her.

‘Is that bastard blushing...?! What the hell could he be talking to her about for his face to look like an infected poison oak spot?’

Alexia urged me to follow her and I did, putting my wooden sword away and narrowing my eyes at the small fry that dared to get chummy with my woman as I stood beside the white haired princess, rethinking my life's decisions.

‘Maybe I shouldn't have been too quick to ask Alexia out. That way, I'd have been able to talk to (Name) like this even. If I get too close to her, Alexia will attack me and I can't dodge or block since I'm playing a background character for now.’

“What do you think of Aria? She's the strongest mage in the Midgar Kingdom. I'm happy we have someone like that on our side; it gives me hope for the future of magic in the kingdom.”

Alexia looked up at me, her red eyes locking onto mine before landing on (Name) and I sighed, watching her retrieve her hat from the top of the boy's head with a mere flick of her wrist, her staff in her right hand as she gestured playfully to his sword, holding out a ball of.....

‘Is she giving her magical energy away??? She's going to become lightheaded!!’

I grit my teeth as Alexia pulled me over to the door, my eyes catching Alpha’s across the room as I nodded at her, entrusting the retrieval mission to the skilled elf.

“She sounds like a big deal. Is she a grand mage?” I asked, feigning ignorance.

Alexia nodded frantically as we walked out of the training room, her eyes lighting up while she explained.

“She's not just a grand mage. She's the Grand mage of Midgar. She's probably the strongest mage in this world.”

I bit back a grin, facing forwards as I heard Alexia's words. “Is that so? That sounds amazing. Having so much power at your fingertips at such a young age. Is it okay for her to be a student, though? I mean, she knows all the magic this world could offer for now, isn't that a little weird? You force her to be a student after that?”

Glancing at the princess, I could see her having a hard time thinking about it and I almost scoffed, picking up my pace and walking ahead of her, my voice calling out over my shoulder.

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