all went downhill

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Yoon walks outside holding a juice box onto his huge backyard smiling "Judy!"

A little girl with long black hair with bangs and blue eyes runs out of a huge barbie house "Grandpa!" Yoon hands Judy her juice box "Thank you!"

"How are you and you're friends?" Yoon asks to see a few little children coming out of the house. Judy looks down and shrugs "Is everything ok?"

"Um... I have question" Judy keeps looking down

"Yes anything..."

"my friends have parents but I do not have mama or dada and...." Judy starts to walk off

"Judy" Yoon pulls her back and sighs "It's a long story..."

"Where are my parents?"

"you're a very smart girl..." yoon sighs looking down "just go play with you're friends for now"

"ok" Judy walks off sad

Later on
Yoon on the phone with Leon sitting down on the couch "I don't what to tell her Leon..."

Leon sighs looking down "You tell her that her mother's dead and that I'm dead..."

"Leon! What!?" Yoon asks in disbelief

"I don't want her to keep asking questions..."

"She always asks about both of you...Leon Don't" Yoon shakes his head

"She does?" Leon asks in disbelief

"She's a smart girl Leon..." Yoon shakes his head "I can't tell her, her father's dead"

"you have too...She's not safe with me around"

"Are you sure...?"

"I want Judy to have a normal life and she can't have that if thinks i'm alive... I don't her to get hurt and I don't want her to look for me and get hurt" Leon says sternly

"I'll tell her"

"I love her to death, Even from afar. All I want to do is come over and take her out for ice's hard to be without her"

"It's all hard..."

Time skip
Yoon is sitting next to a toddler's bad in a huge room with books and toys all over as Judy's laying down. Yoon shows judy a photo of Anna "This is your mom"

Judy looks at the photo smiling "That's her?" Yoon nods "Where's my mommy?"

Yoon looks down "She passed away..."

Judy looks down "oh..."

"It's a very long story, My love" Yoon sighs

"What about my daddy?" Judy holds back her tears

"he passed away as a war"

"He was a hero?"

Yoon nods "yeah he was"

"tell me about it" Judy smiles as Yoon nods

"It was September 30th, 1998..."

June 30th, 2015, Tall oaks university
Leon's walking in the hallways of the university looking around at pictures on the wall "hmm...?"

"Leon?" Yoon walks up behind him as Leon turns around smiling

"Yoon?" Leon walks up to Yoon "How is everything? how...?"

"Judy's ok, She's always smiling...She's always asking stories about her hero dad"

Leon keeps smiling "That's good, Is she behaving?"

One miracle (book 4)Where stories live. Discover now