"Maybe," Vance said. The VP took that as a yes.

"And you just left him lying on the floor, bleeding and hurt?" She continued after writing something down.

"No, see I actually picked him up after punching his teeth in then carried him straight to the nurse to make sure he was a-okay. What do you think?" Vance replied sarcastically.

"Mhm.." She said while writing down more. "As much as I appreciate you showing up to school and making an effort, you have a school approved absence for the rest of the week."

"So i'm getting suspended?" Vance asked. He's unsure why the school thinks a suspension is a good idea. Vance could almost jump with joy to the fact he no longer has to suffer.

The vice principal, who Vance has just realized her name is Mrs. Giodi, doesn't answer. Instead she gets up and leaves. Shortly after, she returns.

"I talked to the principal. He thinks an in-school suspension would be best for you. For today, you may go home. Tomorrow, you must show up here and go to room one forty-two. Any day you don't show is moved to next week."

Shit! In-school suspension? Vance thought. "Oh boy," Vance mumbled. He is told he can leave now. Mrs. Giodi calls his mother the second Vance is out of the office.

He really thought he could get a week off school. Now he has to sit in some probably stuffy classroom with kids who carve stuff into the desks because that's just how insane they become.

Although his mom has been made aware of him going home, Vance goes to play pinball in hopes of avoiding her.


By the time Bruce left the bathroom, the bell had just rung. He was supposed to be in class. He picked up his pace, only to slow right down.

"Move, you idiots! Go on, get out of here! Someone get the principal while you're at it!" Yelled a boy who was holding onto the kid Vance just fought. The students around them all left.

"You!" Bruce was startled by the boy standing up and walking to Bruce. "You tell Vance he's gotta calm the fuck down! Look what he did to my friend, yo!"

"Um," Bruce said nervously. The guy didn't stop glaring at him so Bruce blurted out something he shouldn't have. "Tell your friend to stop being a shit-talking bitch, first." Bruce barely ever swore, so he was just as shocked as the other boy was.

"You wanna go?" He asked. Bruce didn't know what that meant, until he was punched in the nose.

Bruce clutched his nose in pain before pulling his hand away and staring at the boy. He had no clue how to even properly punch, but today seems to be the day he learnt.

Bruce tightened his first before he swung and hit the boy in his jaw. It went on like that for a few more punches between the two until the principal came and broke them up.

Now, Bruce is sitting across from the principal and the vice principal; being told they have the rest of the week as an in-school suspension.

It's better than being stuck at home. Bruce left the office before the other boy did. He knew his parents would be called and they'd be disappointed in him for fighting and getting a suspension. They wouldn't even take the in-school part to consideration. Any suspension is horrible to them.

Bruce didn't want to go home, so he pulled his backpack over both shoulders and rode his bike until he was nearly dying of thirst. Which was only fifteen minutes.

Bruce locked his bike outside of a place called the grab n' go. He's never been inside of this place. Vance fights here a lot so Bruce was a little scared to go inside. He figured he wouldn't have to worry about Vance.

Bruce walked inside and headed straight to the back where they kept the cold drinks. He took a Coca-Cola and walked back to the front.

"Look at these new posters I made, what do you think?" Bruce could hear the cashier saying to someone he couldn't see just yet.

"Have you seen this man inside the store question mark. If yes please run away he has weapons, in brackets guns of steel. This is shit, what is wrong with you." Bruce didn't have to see the person to know it was Vance.

"Hey! I spent one whole cent getting that printed."

Bruce now stood awkwardly behind Vance, just wanting to buy his soda and leave.

"That's your own problem," Vance said. She scoffed. "Whatever, get out the way before I get the broom again." She then made eye contact with Bruce and said, "Hi! I'm very sorry. How can I help you today?"

Vance moved to the side and looked at Bruce.

"Just this," Bruce said and put the drink on the counter. "Bruce? What're you doing here?"
Vance asked.

"Got suspended too," Bruce told him before handing Rita a dollar.

"Psh, yeah okay," Vance replied with a chuckle.

"I did, I started fighting that dudes friend," Bruce told him and took his drink. Vance's smile dropped, "No shit?" He said.

"Yeah, he punched me first and — I don't know, I swung back," Bruce said.

"I actually can't believe this, Bruce Yamada
hitting someone? Woah, this could make headlines," Vance joked.

"It's your fault. You're a terribly bad influence, don't make me tell my father on you," Bruce joked back.

"Not my fault! I'm the best influence out there. Your father will be charmed by me," Vance said.

"That boy said that you gotta calm down, i'm starting to think he's right."

"Ha, that's funny," Vance said with a chuckle.

"Seriously though I gotta go, my parents are going to be so mad I got suspended," Bruce sighed.

"Yeah, alright then. See you," Vance said. Bruce didn't move though.

"This is so weird but, you want to come to my house?" Bruce asked, looking up from the floor to Vance's face.

"Sure, if they'll be cool with it," Vance shrugged.

"They will.. I hope," Bruce replied.

Together the two walked outside. Bruce unlocked his bike from the rack and left his helmet hanging off the handle. Then Bruce walked to his house with Vance by his side, having a conversation.

In the back of Bruce's mind, he knew his parents were going to be mad that he not only had a suspension, but brought Vance to their house. What if they think Vance is the reason he got in trouble? Technically he is, but it was Bruce's decision to keep punching that boy.

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