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Daichi POV

"Bokuto! If we don't leave in the next 5 minutes, we're gonna be late!" I shouted from the front door.

Soon enough, Bokuto came running down the stairs with two hoodies in his hands. "Calm down. We're not gonna be late," he said. "Besides, the aquarium closes at 7 and we only need to be there at 5 so stop rushing. Now," Bokuto raised both hoodies up, showing them to me. "Which one should I wear? I like the black one but the gold stripes on this one really bring out my eyes don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes, turned towards the door and responded with an annoyed "I'll be in the car" and walked out of the house. I didn't have to wait too long for Bokuto to come outside and soon enough we were off to the aquarium.

•          •          •

They made it to the aquarium in 30 minutes. A friend of Daichi's works as a security guard here and somehow got both him and Bokuto a job. It was a great opportunity as working as a marine biologist was Daichi's dream since his last year of highschool. What made this better was that they were going to be working under the head marine biologist and Cofounder of the aquarium.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop to get something to eat?" Bokuto asked as they walked into the building. "No. you ate before we left."

"That was just a snack."

"It was whole ass meal! I seriously don't get how you eat so much."


The two males made their way to the food court, where they were told to wait for one of the Cofounders who would be showing them what they would be doing. The place was nearly empty, which made sense considering it was almost closing time. Bokuto suggested they look around but Daichi didn't want to ruin their first day on the job by disappearing. That was until someone came up to them and told them that the man they were supposed to meet with would be an extra hour late and gave them an employee pass to go exploring while they waited.

They wanted to start at the merfolk section since the two had argued earlier about whether the merman were real or not. Bokuto believes it's not a lie and Daichi thinks it's just guys dressing in mermaid costumes and swimming around to attract more customers. Even though they looked real on the videos on YouTube he didn't believe these mythical creatures actually existed.

"Come on Daichi my grandma walks faster than you."

"Your grandma is dead."

"Exactly! Move your lazy ass or I'm going ahead and leaving you here"

Daichi sighed, already knowing his friend was all too exited and would be complaining like this for the rest of the hour they were given to explore. "Then why don't you go ahead and we can meet up later," he said.

Bokuto perked up at the idea that he'd get to explore by himself and not have to wait on Daichi's grandpa feet. "Really?"

"Sure, just make sure to check your phone." Bokuto nodded and ran off with a smile in his face that screamed 'I'm free!'

Daichi passed by a few people, stopped by some other fishy exhibits and read some of their information before heading to the merfolk section. At the front was a woman with a turquoise 'Save the turtles' t-shirt and a black Jean's, waving goodbye to a couple that had just left. "Hi," she said as Daichi approached her. "May I see your ticket please?"

"Oh um, I don't have one but I have this," Daichi said showing her the employee pass around his neck. She scanned the code at the back of it and let Daichi pass, smiling at him before moving on to the person standing behind him.

My Aqua-Fantasy (Daisuga)Where stories live. Discover now