"Get out of there, Nick!" Ada's voice rang out, filled with urgency and concern.

Eyes widened with terror, Nick wasted no time. He turned on his heels and began running in the opposite direction, his movements hindered by the weight and resistance of the water that slowed him down.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Nick's panicked shouts filled the tunnel as the menacing alligator closed in, its monstrous presence filling the space around him. Fear gripped his every muscle, propelling him forward. The adrenaline surged through his veins, pushing him to his limits as he desperately fought to stay one step ahead of the ferocious predator at his heels.

Just as the alligator was about to reach Nick, he managed to find a slippery surface to slide down, causing the massive creature's jaw to become lodged on a nearby pipe.

Nick's sharp instincts kicked into overdrive as he noticed the gas pipe connected to the one the alligator was trapped on. In a split second decision, he took aim and fired, hitting the pipe with precision.

A deafening boom echoed through the tunnels as the gas ignited, engulfing the trapped alligator in a fiery explosion. Its massive body erupted into flames, scattering fiery debris in all directions.

"Chew on that, you overgrown son of a bitch!" Nick exclaimed triumphantly, his adrenaline-fueled satisfaction evident as he watched the charred remains of the alligator slide down beside him.

Nick took a moment to catch his breath, his heart still pounding in his chest, before he heard Ada's voice echoing from above him in the dark tunnels.

"Nick, up here!" she called out, as she kicked a ladder down for him to climb up.

Nick wasted no time, his adrenaline still coursing through his veins, as he climbed the ladder, desperate to escape the treacherous waters.

Reaching solid ground, Nick stood next to Ada, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before she broke the silence, her tone cold and betraying a hint of bitterness. "Thought you would have been dead for sure."

Nick couldn't help but respond with a touch of sarcasm, the adrenaline rush still causing his words to come out quicker than usual. "Thanks for the faith."

Ada's face remained stoic as she replied. "Can't say I didn't warn you."

"You said the virus turns PEOPLE into monsters. Not REPTILES!"

"Fair point," Ada said, her tone softening while a hint of admiration crept into her voice. "I'm just impressed you made it out of there in one piece."

As Nick cautiously opened a door, he was greeted by the sight of a blonde woman clad in a white lab coat, meticulously examining a charred body. The stench of burnt flesh filled the air, intensifying the ominous atmosphere surrounding them.

"Stay right there," Nick commanded, his grip tightening on his shotgun as he focused his attention on the mysterious woman.

Ada swiftly moved toward Nick, her eyes fixated on the woman before them. Steadying her own weapon, she issued a curt introduction. "Annette Birkin," Ada stated, her voice firm and unforgiving. "We're taking that G virus."

Annette stopped abruptly in her tracks, a cold, derisive chuckle escaping her lips. "Oh yeah? That's not gonna happen."

"I'm warning you, doctor," Ada said, her grip tightening around her gun.

Annette's laughter grew more intense as she swiftly flung her lighter to the ground, igniting a small yet dangerous fire that began to engulf the surrounding area. The fire crackled and swirled, casting dancing shadows across the room, as Annette bolted away into the darkness.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ada leapt over the encroaching flames, determination burning brightly in her eyes, braving the fiery obstacle to pursue the elusive scientist. She knew time was of the essence and capturing Annette was crucial to unraveling the deadly secrets behind the G virus.

As Ada closed in on Annette, a sudden shot rang out, causing her to stumble momentarily. The searing pain of the bullet's impact was alarmingly close, but before she could fully comprehend what had happened, Nick, quick as lightning, dove towards Ada and saved her from another bullet.

Annette took advantage of the chaos and swiftly closed a locked door behind her, her voice dripping with a malicious triumph. "You'll never get the G virus!"

Ada, brushing off the fall with resilience, regained her footing and scoffed, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and disappointment. "Didn't expect that from a scientist."

Nick, quickly assessing the situation, realized the need for strategic action. "Go back around," he instructed. "I'll see if I can find a way to cut her off."

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