"Leia?" Joochan says

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"Leia?" Joochan says.

"Yeah, it's Leia, right?" Hanni says.

"Where do you get this picture?" Aya asks.

"Areum, who's this?" Donghyun points the picture to Areum.

"Omma!" Areum says while looking at Leia.

"It's Leia?" Jaehyun asks. Everyone begins to look at Leia. Leia smiles then she shakes her head.

"Eh?" Everyone says. Then everyone looks at Jibeom.

"This is my late wife, Choi Joo Ah" Jibeom smiles.

"What?!" Everyone says.

* * *

"So, Leia is just pretending to be her mother?" Chaerin asks.

"I've told Areum for so many times that Leia isn't her mom.. but she doesn't want to believe me.." Jibeom says. Jibeom has told the Serendipity members everything they need to know about Joo Ah, his late wife. Everyone is shocked to see that Leia and Joo Ah shared the same face, but the only physical difference between them is Joo Ah has a small mole beneath her lips and her left eye.

"I think it's not like Areum doesn't wanna believe you.. she just can't understand that her mom isn't here anymore.." Aya says.

"I agree with Aya. Probably she's too desperate to meet her mother. Like.. yeah she never met her since birth right? And you had always made her to believe how her mother looked like through pictures.. so when she 'met' another doppelgänger, she wanted to assume that is her mother.." Hanni says. Everyone nods.

"But I'm afraid if one day, she might be heartbroken to know the truth.." Jibeom says.

"You've never hide anything from her. You told her frequently that her mother is no longer here but she doesn't understand it.. eventually, she will. Just let the time to be.." Donghyun says. Everyone nods.

"It's okay.. she's too little to understand everything.." Jaehyun says.

"But I was taken aback.. they really looked the same.." Joochan says.

"Is it possible that we all might have our own doppelgänger?" Donghyun asks.

"Maybe?" Chaerin says.

"Wow, I wonder.." Donghyun says.

* * *

The plane has finally arrived. All Serendipity members, staffs and Areum are ready to take off. They are all lining up to the gate, waiting for their time to enter the plane.

A few minutes passed, all Serendipity members are finally boarding their plane. Everyone is so excited especially Hanni because it's her first flight. All Serendipity members are sitting on the seat they are designated to.

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