6: The Conference

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It has been about an hour since Homelander left, Jess and Jackson were currently sitting in his office, eating the food they ordered.

"So, how are you feeling, Jess?"

"Better, thanks."

She still had burn marks on her head, that were still healing.

"Do they hurt?"

"A bit, but it's fine sir."

"None sense."

Jackson's eyes glowed red, along with the Reality Stone as he healed Jess completely.

"There, no more pain."

"Thank you, sir."

"Of course, and how many times do I have to say this, call me Jackson." The CEO laughed before taking another bite.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Why do you torment and mentally torture Homelander, but erase his memory of the event?"

"Good question. Well, you see, there is an endgame to all of this. A final fight as it were. And I didn't exactly erase the memories, more of stole them. And when the time comes, I am going to bombard him with all the memories at once, overload his senses and mind."

"I see."

"Kind of a change in subject, but have you ever noticed how Homelander changes from his private monstrous true self to the nice public image of a boy scout, after I wipe his memory?"


"Well, except for these last two times, when I wiped, or took, his memories, he would act as if it was a mistake or as his public image. I may have played a hand in that."


"Well, when I am done taking the memories, I sometimes put a little push towards the lighter, public boy scout version of him. Now, I am not trying to change him, he is far past redemption."

"What are you going to do about his breakin today? He destroyed your desk and chair as well as some of the room, and he almost killed me."

"He actually gave me an idea for that." Jackson replied.

"And what is that?"

"The Seven vs the League. Not an all out war, but something else."

"That sounds intense. Especially with Homelander."

"It probably will be. But I am going to call a press conference tomorrow with Vought and lay out my conditions to Homelander's break in. But, now that I am thinking about it, can you pull up my schedule?"

"Sure." Jess said before she grabbed a tablet and pulled up a calendar. "What would you like to see?"

"Next Friday."

"You have a couple meeting that day, why?"

"Reschedule them. For either the previous day or the next if possible. I'm going to take a personal day that day."


"But worry about that tomorrow. Go ahead and go home. See your family and friends. I'll leave a note on your desk to remind you."

"Thank you, sir." Jess said as she got up and left.

Thanks to Jackson's time manipulating, with the Time Stone when he created Jess, he had given her a life. A family with two loving parents, a lot of friends. He had no plans of getting rid of her once he was ready to leave this universe. He just wanted someone he could trust.

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