5: Another Meeting

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It had been another week since his talk with Homelander and The Boys. Right now, Jackson Stone was standing in his office and watching TV, an interview he had just gone through that day.

"Mr. Stone, you have been called a copycat, the next gen, and many other names. What are your opinions on the negative names you have been called? The ones where they call you a copycat or a thief for stealing Vought's idea of a superhero team?"

"Well, Mel was it? I am not a copycat. There is no rule stating that there can be only one team of Supes. Anyone can be a team."

"Ok, but what about 6 of your League members with almost identical abilities as six members of the Seven?"

"To answer your question, answer one for me. How many speedsters are there besides A-Train? How many Supes have super strength? How many can fly, shoot lightning, or even breathe underwater? And we are not stopping at 7 League members. We are going to be adding more."

"Really? Ok, final question. Why is it that your team never sticks around after rescuing people? Why are they barely ever seen? I mean the only person associated with the League that has ever accepted an interview is you."

"Because my team does not want the fame and fortune. They want to save lives. So they have decided to stay away from the public image. I mean the members of the Seven act more like celebrities than actual heroes. With the amount of movies they make, for whatever reason. It seems that they are more focused on their image than their actual job."

"But then why do you allow yourself to be interviewed?"

"Because it is what you people want. You want a face to the League. Want to know everything going on. And I am willing to deal with the public. Now, I'm not going to be making any movies ever. I'm not going to be some celebrity, I'm just a businessman."

"Well thank you for your time. This is Mel Simpson, on scene."

Jackson turned off the TV and sat down at his desk. He was about to do some paperwork when his intercom came alive.

"Mr. Stone."

The CEO pressed a button to respond.

"Yes, Jess."

"Homelander is here to see you."

Jackson looked to his calendar in confusion. John didn't schedule an appointment.

"Jess, tell him I'm sorry, but he didn't schedule an appointment. I am busy right now. Please inform him to schedule an appointment with you and come back then."

"Ok, sir. One mo-" Jess began, but was cut off when a strange sound came from her end.

"Jess? Is everything alright? Jess?"

Then his elevator dinged opened and a smiling Homelander walked out.

"Homelander? I thought I told you to make an appointment, during our last meeting. And I told Jess to remind you of this. What happened to her anyways?" He said as he got up and walked towards the Superhero.

"She had to leave, she apparently had a massive headache."

"You killed her didn't you?" The CEO asked.

"No. She had to leave."

"Ok, Whatever." He said, not believing the Supe, but knew that Jess was fine, thanks to her immortality. "What do you want?"

"To talk about that interview with you. You said some har-" Homelander began before Jackson raised his hand to cut him off.

"You know what. I don't care. I have work to do, and you still don't have an appointment." He said as he turned his back to him and made way to his desk. But before he could make it, a pair of twin red lasers cut through his desk, burning all of his paperwork. Jackson just turned back to him with an eyebrow raised. "Really?"

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