Welcome to Gaza

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Hi, my name is Salma
Welcome to my world
A soon-to-be mother
To a beautiful little girl

Though, there is a problem
I live in a place called Gaza
Last night, we were bombed again
Now, my child will have no father

Today, we left our homes
To safety, our only concern
White phosphurus bombs, continued to drop
Which caused our skins to burn

How is this not a war crime?
We ask, as the bombs fall down
Would the world have remained just as silent
If the babies in Gaza weren't brown

Ofcourse, my heart knows the answer
As my family have endured this before
We are refugees, in our own homeland
Displaced, over 70 years ago

As I walk from the North and head to the South
No medicine, fuel or water
No food to eat, no place to sleep
Fearing immensely for my unborn daughter

Heavily pregnant and forced to travel
Overcome by a blinding light
A tremendous roar, rips from earth to shore
As the IDF launches a airstrike

In the midst of debris, I accept my fate
As each breath I take is labored
"My baby, my baby", I shout and wail
Whilst a woman attempts to save her

A nurse by appearance begins to operate
Accompanied by other humanitarians
My heart beat slows and eyes start to close
As my baby is born by caesarean

Alas, my end has just begun
And I lay there burnt and beaten
The nurse quickly asks, what shall we name her?
To which, I whisper "Freedom"


Hi, my name was Salma
And I say goodbye to this world
A would-be mother, to no one other
Except a beautiful girl

I hope you call for a stop
To the ongoing genocide
Cos in the time, you have read this poem
Another "Salma" has died

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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