Chapter 1: Dream from Hell

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Author notes:
Thank you to my beta reader for helping me.
Dream from Hell

Nighttime had fallen over Tracy Island and everyone was in bed accept for Scott who was downstairs and Alan who had just woken up from a bad dream. He left his room and walked downstairs, he saw a light was on in the lounge.

"It looks like I'm not the only one up," Alan thought to himself as he continued downstairs.

He saw Scott sitting at the desk doing the paperwork from a rescue that he and Virgil did.

Scott looked up and saw Alan standing by him.

"Alan?" Alan, what are you doing up this time of night?"

"I can't sleep bro I had a bad dream."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Scott asked as he could see that his little brother was upset. Alan nodded his head.

Scott got up from the desk and put his hand on Alan's shoulder as they walked down to the circle and both sat on the sofa.

"The dream was horrible Scotty."

"Take your time Ali"

"The dream was that Gordon gets a rescue and he asked me to go with him, so I did."

"What happened next Ali?" Asked Scott as he cuddled his little brother.

"Gordon went back into the danger zone to see there was no one else. As Gordo was coming back there was some lose rocks and some of them gave way. That's when I heard shouts for help."

Alan had tears running down his face.

"What happen then Ali?" As Scott rocked his brother.

"I ran towards the shouts for help and I saw Gordo hanging off a ledge, so I started to climb down to him. As I got close to Gordo I gave him my hand to pull him up but Gordo lost his grip and his hand just slipped through my fingers."

Alan was still crying into his big brother arms.

"Ali listen to me it was just a bad dream we all get them for time to time."

"But it felt real to me Scotty and I don't what to go through that dream again."

The next morning Grandma walked into the lounge and found Scott asleep with Alan in his arms she decided to leave them as they were.

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