The League Of Villains!?

Start from the beginning

"Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa exclaims. Kirishima would continue to look confused before his eyes wander around to see the portal for himself. "What's that?"

Everyone would then look to where Kirishima was looking towards. The portal would now then let someone pass through. It was the man with light blue hair.

He would walk through the portal but he wasn't alone. As he has brought some others as well. "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?" Kirishma says.

He thought this was just part of the test. Everyone thought so too but Aizawa stopped them. "Don't move!" Aizawa would put on his goggles. "Those are... villains." Aizawa says with a serious tone.

All the students would now gain nervous expressions on their faces as they see real villains in the flesh. Y/N would now hold his bunny even more closer to him. "I shouldn't have brought Mirko... dammit." Y/N thought scolding himself.

More villains would go through the portal. One was a very huge looking bird with it's brains out in the open. It looked intimidating.

"Thirteen and Eraserhead, huh?" the portal says. "The teacher's schedule we got the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here."

Aizawa would then connect the dots assuming that these people were the ones who made the news reporters get inside the school and trespass.

"Where is he..." the man with blue hair says in a raspy tone. "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too..."

"All Might... I wonder if I kill some of these kids he'll come." the hand man says. Aizawa would get himself ready as he stands in front of everyone.

"Kaminari, try to contact the school with your Quirk." Aizawa instructs to which Kaminari nods. "What about you sir?" Izuku asks in a nervous tone. "Will you fight on your own?"

"You're the type to erase and capture... a frontal battle would be-" Midoriya would get cutoff as Aizawa responds. "A hero doesn't only have one trick."

The tired hero would hand his class to Thirteen for protection as he jumps in. Aizawa would run into three villains. They all tried to attack him but Aizawa would activate his erasure Quirk.

The villains get caught off-guard as their Quirks won't work and this gives Aizawa the opportunity to yank the three villians in the air with his scarf and bang their heads together.

The three villains were knocked out and this earned gasps from the other villains. A villain with four arms would jump towards Aizawa.

"You can't erase mutant Quirks can you?!" the four armed villain would try to punch Aizawa but Aizawa would dodge effortlessly. "No, I can't!"

Aizawa would reel his fist back before punching him in the face, sending them flying. Aizawa then sends his scarf towards the villain and it wraps around his leg.

(A/N: I am currently rewatching MHA as I'm writing this and GODDAMN I forgot this man got hands.)

"But the skills of guys like you..." Aizawa dodges a punch from behind. "Are statistically more likely to manifest in close combat..."

Aizawa would do a 180° turn and kicks the villain behind him on the cheek. This makes the villain fall onto two of his villain members. Aizawa would then pull the four-armed into them and he crashes creating a cloud of smoke.

Aizawa would continue to beat up villains back to back. Handman would only watch his troops get absolutely man handled by one person.

"Amazing..." Midoriya would look at the battle that was happening. All of the other students were running towards the exit. "Teacher's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?"

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