Sports Festival is Nearing!

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It was now night time. I was walking towards my local gym after gaining my parent's permission. The event that had happened in USJ still lingers in my mind. Thanks to Recovery Girl my injuries were better now.

My parents were scolding me and crying in the morning as the news spread about the attack. I apologized to them and promised I would be safer... and stronger so I won't get hurt easily.

That is why I am heading to my local gym to work my body until it aches everywhere. After a couple more minutes of walking I would reach the gym. The automatic sliding doors open as the sensor activates and I go in.

I would see that the gym was quite empty... not a lot of people. I would get rid off my U.A. uniform and placed it down on a bench revealing that I have a black tank top underneath.

I would begin stretching for a good five minutes before I would actually get into my workout routine. After warming up I would now get to it.

(After an intense workout \(•○•💧)\)


Y/N continued his workout. His body producing bucket tons of sweat. His body was steaming meaning he was using his Quirk. He continued on.

That was until he heard a voice from behind him. "That is a intense workout you got there!" Y/N flinches as he hears someone comment on his workout routine.

He turns around and looks down a bit to see someone who has long white hair like the cold snow, ruby red eyes, tan skin and noticable features of a bunny. Wait... is that?

Y/N's eyes would widen and his face flushes as he sees the one and only Mirko. The very one he idolises. She was wearing a black sports bra and some workout leggings

The bunny hero would notice the protagonist's shocked expression. She grew an amused expression, Mirko would lean closer to Y/N's face making her go on her tip toes. "What? Shocked to see me?" Mirko says. She then chuckles. She would back away eventually.

Mirko would notice the U.A. uniform layed down on the bench next to Y/N. "U.A. huh? Heard some of the students from a class got attacked. Were you part of that class?" Mirko asks tilting her head and raising a brow.

Y/N nods, his face still flushed. Mirko backs away and puts up a grin. "You must be strong then to survive that. How about you spar with me huh?" Mirko asks with a confident smile.

Our protagonist's eyes grew wider. Being able meet the person he idolises and to spar with them at the same day... how could this get any better?

He nods his head accepting to spar with her. Mirko's smile grew wider. "Alright then! No holding back okay?"

They both went to a free space in the gym to avoid knocking down some of the equipment. Both of them got into a fighting stance and waited for someone to make the first move.

Mirko would make the first move as she rushes towards and tries to land a powerful high kick. Y/N sees this coming and blocks the kick. He gets pushed back a bit when it made impact.

Mirko backs away. "Not bad, not bad..." she praises. She runs towards Y/N once again. Mirko launches a strong barrage of kicks towards Y/N. Y/N blocks some of her kicks before pushing her away. Y/N then charges in this time.

Y/N tries to land a blow onto her face but she ducks down and sweeps him off the ground. Y/N falls to the floor with a groan. Mirko would then straddle Y/N, her rear being dangerously close to his groin. Y/N's face would heat up once again.

"Hehe... looks like I got you." Mirko smirks before getting off Y/N and standing up. "Come on you gotta do better than that little bunny~" she teased.

Y/N stood up from the floor his face still a bit flushed. Mirko looks out one of the windows to see it was getting darker outside. "I guess we should wrap this up." She says while stretching her arms. "Oh yeah I didn't get you're name yet... what is it?" Mirko would ask.

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