The Finals!

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A/N: (I am going to be skipping the cavalry battles since I don't really know how they would really put Y/N's Quirk to use. So yeah. I am just going to skip it and say that they still end up in fourth place. Also I am going to be replacing Tokoyami with Y/N. I am truly sorry for replacing the Edgelord🙏.)


"These are the four teams that are going to the final round!" Mic would announce as the four teams were Team Todoroki, Team Bakugo, Team Shinso and Team Midoriya.

They were all now heading to lunch time before the final stage finally starts.

(After Lunch...)

"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game!" Present Mic announces which got the people hyped and roaring in excitment.

"But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals." Present Mic adds. "We've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too!"

The Class 1-A girls would then appear, only this time they were wearing cheerleader outfits. They displayed a depressed look on their faces. "What's the matter class 1-A?! What kind of fan-service is that?!" Present Mic, bursts out.

Mineta and Kaminari would give each other a thumbs up, their face blushing with excitement. "Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you?!" Momo angrily shouts at them.

"All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games!" Present Mic, exclaims. The crowd roars in excitement.

"When the games are over, the teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!" Present Mic, explains.


After Mr. Mic announced the final round would be a one-on-one, I would begin to get excited. And so does my other classmates.

"I'm gonna stand on the stage that I watch every year on TV!" Kirishima exclaims, expressing his excitement. "Was it a tournament last year?" Mina would question.

"It's different each year, but there's a one-on-one competition every year." Sero explains to Mina. "Last year it was a sports chambara match." Sero adds.

I would then turn my head to face the front of me as I hear Ms. Midnight's voice. "Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket." Ms. Midnight says while holding a yellow box that has the word 'Lots' on it.

"Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start!" She explains "The sixteen finalists can choose wether or not they want to participate in the recreation." Ms. Midnight continued.

"I know some of you want to rest or save your strength." Ms. Midnight assumed. As Ms. Midnight was about to announce who was going to fight, Ojiro would raise his hand. "Umm...! Excuse me." Ojiro would then continue saying. "I'm withdrawing."

Everyone gasps in shock including me. Why would he withdraw? "Ojiro, why?" Midoriya would voice out my question. "This is a rare chance for pros to see you!" Iida would tell him.

"I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end." He tells us. "I think it was that guy's Quirk." Ojiro would point to the guy that was declaring war on us. The one with messy purple hair.

And with that Ojiro forfeited. Some other student too as well from class 1-B. Well that was a weird turn of events... how did that purple hair guy do this?

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