11. thanksgiving eve

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I had made my way back home to Hurricane after a whirlwind weekend in New York

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I had made my way back home to Hurricane after a whirlwind weekend in New York. Not only did I confront ghosts, I also let Carter know nothing would happen between us again. I wasn't sure where that strength came from, but I still didn't regret what I said. Nothing was going to happen between us ever again. He was too late - but I couldn't pin point exactly why. All I knew was my conversation with Mike had haunted me the whole weekend. It was almost like I wasn't fully present  this weekend, but was stuck at Siena's hearing Mike chew me out.

Before I could get destroyed by my own thoughts, Aly barged through my bedroom door with her giant blue duffle bag.

"Alright, I'm here!" she exclaimed, jumping on my bed next to me.

Aly had convinced me to go to a big Thanksgiving Eve party that was hosted every year. She claimed it was "the best party of the year". It was hosted by someone who was a few years older than us in high school, but apparently "everyone" would be there. I was up for it. I needed to shake my mind off of what happened with Mike a week ago. I still hadn't heard from him. I usually would've received a text about how much he hated his job, his nightmares, or something about Abby - but there was silence.

After two hours of chatting about Aly's situationship and my trip to New York, Aly and I stood in front of my bathroom mirror snapping pictures to post on our stories.

"I still can't believe you stood up to Carter and said no. " Aly said, taking a sip of the seltzer in her hand. 

I shrugged, looking over at her with a grin. "I was fed up." 

"As you should be! I never liked him anyways." she admitted, fixing her curtain bang so they fell perfectly in her face.


We finally made it to the Thanksgiving Eve party. Was I excited about Thanksgiving? No. My parents were in Italy for Thanksgiving and I had made the horrible mistake of waiting too long to buy a ticket to fly out there - so of course the ticket prices skyrocketed and my little wine shop job couldn't afford it. Although I was planning to spend Thanksgiving with Aly's family, it wasn't the same as being with my family. My sister, Capri, was spending her Thanksgiving in California with her long-time boyfriend, so there was really no family around.

The party was definitely alive. As we walked in, people were crowding the immediate stair case, while others were dancing in the living room, and of course the kitchen was packed with red solo cups and laughter. Aly grabbed my hand and lead me to the makeshift bar. 

"Tequila?" she asked me, as if she was already expecting a "yes".

I shook my head at her question. "Wine." I said, picking up the bottle of white wine hidden behind the liquor bottles. I poured myself a cup of white wine, scanning the room. 

Aly didn't come with her "boyfriend", but instead said I was her date. Having her by my side was a relieving feeling. A better feeling than what any of my friends back in the city gave me.

I had finished my first cup of wine and ended up pouring more for myself as Aly stuck with tequila.


Mike walked into the crowded party with a stressed look on his face. His denim jacket was on with a white tee and his typical jeans. It almost took my breath away seeing him. This was the last place I thought he'd be. I figured he was working tonight, or spending time with Abby. Before I could wonder even more, a brunette girl appeared by his side and I realized she had been there the whole time.

Did he come with someone? Was this someone he had been seeing the whole time I knew him?

Aly must've realized my concentrated face and silence as she looked over at me. 

"You know him?" she asked, motioning to Mike who was standing on the other side of the room with the brunette girl by his side and a red solo cup in his hand.

"Kinda." I responded.

"That kinda is giving me some....tea vibes."

"I mean, we're friends. Or were."


"Yeah, pretty sure he hates me now." I shrugged.

"I've seen him around before. I'm pretty sure he was a few years ahead of us in school." Aly told me. That was probably true. Everyone in Hurricane went to the same high school, but I didn't know half of anyone's names in that school - older or younger. I was so laser focused on my loser ex-boyfriend in high school.


"Yeah, I think he's the one who has the missing brother." Aly said nonchalantly.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"It was on the news for months like ....years ago, Miles." Aly responded, letting out a laugh that sounded like disbelief.

"Geez." I responded, shaking my head. I must've really tuned everything out. "Who is that girl with him?" I asked. One thing about Aly was she knew basically everyone. She could name a random fact about anyone at a party or a bar.

"Oh, she's the girl who organizes all the animal shelter volunteer days." she responded, after studying her for a minute.

Shit, she was nice.

"So, she's like a nice girl?"

"Mhm. She's super into volunteering and shit like that. I've seen her outside Target a few times trying to hand out "Hurricane Volunteers" flyers." Aly told me, taking a sip from her drink with a totally unfazed look on her face.

So, this girl was probably the sweetest girl in Hurricane and she somehow ended up by Mike's side. She was exactly the type of girl that he'd attract, and probably the type of girl he needed. So, why did I care so much? I should be happy for him, right?

The wine in my system had made me forget all my fears revolving around him. I decided to wait for Mike to be alone and away from the girl to try and approach him. I knew that if I apologized to him with some alcohol in my system, it'd go over a bit easier.

Finally, she had made her way to the bathroom. But before I could make my move, he was chatting with a guy who he seemed to be close with. Before I knew it, the girl was back and the three of them were chatting up a storm in the kitchen.

I knew I had blown my chances of talking to him, but something in me told me I had to still try. I didn't know when I'd have another chance. Him being at the same party had to have meant something, right? My thoughts seemed to distract me as I watched Mike and the brunette make their way to the front door as if they were leaving. I watched him take out his phone as if he was calling an Uber. Everything in me was screaming to stay in that spot, but the wine in my veins was telling me this my chance. He was someone I couldn't just let walk out. I had to say something.

"Mike." I said, chasing behind him and the brunette outside into the crisp fall air. The girl turned around first, looking at me with a sweet but confused look on her face.

"Miles?" he said, looking very surprised. Oh, so he hadn't noticed me inside?


hi there!!! let me know how you're feeling about this :) don't worry i'll update shortly with their convo <3

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