Thanking The Sky's Blessing

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It was a fall themed Thursday morning. Thanksgiving Thursday, actually.

Caine had a big, tasty nonfufilling feast planned for the cast to give thanks and have a good time.
However, he had something special for him and the moon planned, as well.

Caine called everyone to the stage for his special holiday announcement.

"Hello and good morning, every one! Can anyone tell me what day it is..?" Caine asked enthusiastically.

Kinger raised his hand eagerly and started to shout. "Oooh, me me me! I know! It's Thanksgiving!"

"I'VE BEEN HERE FOR THAT LONG?!" Pomni realised.

Caine cleared his voice and started to go on with his announcement.

"Yes, I know, it's hard to believe you've been here for over a month now, but at least you get to share your good memories and gratitude with your peers at..."

Caine cued the drumroll and revealed a long elegant table with candles on the golden candlabra, surrounded by a big cornucopia filled with...candy.

"Tonight's Thanksgiving Feast!!" Caine boomed as he did his jazz hands. 
"Ladies and gals, if this table seems appealing now, just wait until there's delicious food waiting for you tonight!"

Pomni gave a blank stare towards him. "What's the point of eating anymore..."

Caine looked at her with confusion in his eyes. "Who wouldn't want to eat?" he thought.

He then thought about another obstacle: what will they do until tonight? A quest? A special activity?

He started to feel insecure and beat himself up. "I'm such a terrible host..." he whispered outloud to himself.

Ragatha overheard him and decided to come over.

"Hey buddy, we all get a little unorganized every once in a while. No pressure, you are just trying your best." she said.

"Thank you, Ragatha."

Caine then got an idea for what hey should do. He did have that "Crazy Turkeys" pack in his drive, maybe he could put that to use.

"Now, I will prepare something for you all right now! Just wait!" he announced as he zoomed outside.

He went outside and started to paste the chaotic, rainbow turkeys all over the grounds.

Moon saw him working hard and smiled at him. Caine looked back in the sky where she shone and waved at her.

"What are you doing, Caine?" Moon whispered.

"Oh- Moonshine! I'm setting up a Thanksgiving quest for the cast." Caine answered.

Moon chuckled at him. "With..crazy rainbow turkeys?"

"Well why not, darling?"

Moon began to laugh at his antics and blush. He knew how to charm her in the wackiest ways, even with rainbow turkeys.

Moon began to become shy and think about her plans and if she wanted to share them with Caine. "What are you doing for tonight? A feast?" Moon asked hesitantly.

"Well yeah, but I had something planned for us as well..." Caine replied.

Moon felt her heart skip a beat and her face heating up. She loved going on dates with him and was getting her hopes up that her plan would work.

"What is it, darling?"

Caine began to fidget with his fingers and blush.

"Same thing..but uh-just us! And other fun stuff.."

I Love You, Caine (Moon x Caine)Where stories live. Discover now