2.13 - woogle, is it illegal to knock out a teacher?

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Tetsutetsu had told you all about Fourth Kind, mainly complaining about picking up trash. Fourth Kind was a hero that had four arms like you. You should ask either Kirishima or Tetsu about how he utilized all his arms, because sometimes your second pair of arms just awkwardly hang by your sides.

He smiled back, exposing his pointed teeth. His teeth were the same as Setsuna's! "Oh, yeah, it was definitely a learning experience. Fourth Kind was really strict, especially with punctuality..." He shivered, thinking about all the times he got punched on the head.

A laugh bubbled past your lips. "Ah, really? Miruko too! Once she poured ice cold water on me 'cuz I woke up late..." You shuddered just thinking about it.

Izuku watched as you interacted with Kirishima, a slight pout on his lips. How are you so extroverted? While he was glad you were making friends so easily, he couldn't help but be jealous. Are you two drifting apart? And you're friends with 1-B too! You even have a nickname for Tetsutetsu...

"Haha, no way!" he laughed. His laugh is cute. "Hey, are you close with Tetsutetsu-kun?" the red-haired boy asked. "He talked about you a lot, you know, so I was just wondering."

Tetsu? Talking about you? A playful grin made its way onto your face as you thought about the silver-haired boy. You're gonna use that to tease him later. "Yeah, we're pretty close. What'd he say about me?" You were curious after all. But, oh my God, what if he was talking shit? No... Tetsu wouldn't do that, would he?

Kirishima slapped his hand over his mouth. Oh crap, he just exposed his bro. "Ah, nevermind, pretend I never said anything!"

You raised a brow in suspicion. "Alright...?"

All Might stood in front of the giant doors leading to Ground Gamma. You've actually never been here before. All of your PE classes take place in a regular gymnasium. I mean, as a General Education kid, you don't really need to learn how to navigate cities while fighting villains. You just play dodgeball and shit. "It's been a while, boys and girls! And Young [last name], as well! I'm pleased to see you here!" he beamed. His teeth were too perfect. They must be veneers.

"I'm glad to be here, All Might," you said, bowing out of respect for the hero. All Might might be a little corny, but still, he's cool.

He nodded, his smile unwavering. "This time, we'll mix in an element of play!" he announced. "It's a Rescue Training Race!"

You stood next to Izuku as he geeked out about All Might's Golden Age costume. Iida rigidly raised his hand. "If it's rescue training, then shouldn't it be carried out at USJ?" the boy asked.

All Might stuck up his index finger. "No, that place is for disaster rescue." He continued to talk about Ground Gamma and grouped all of you together. "This is a competition to see who can come to my aid first!"

You were put into the first group along with Izuku, Ojiro, Iida, Mina, and Sero. As you stood awaiting the signal to start, you overheard the others' conversations with your antennae. "All the students with the most maneuverability are in that group."

"Yeah, if you forced me to pick, I'd say maybe Midoriya's at a slight disadvantage..."

"Frankly, we really don't know how good he is yet," Jirou said to Yaoyorozu.

The taller girl nodded. "I mean, whenever he tries anything, he hurts himself..."

You still don't know Izuku's quirk, or how he got it. You wondered if he had it this whole time and just didn't use it because it hurt him so severely. You wanted to ask, but he already said it's a secret. Should you ask again?

"I say Sero takes first place," Kirishima said, placing his faith in his friend.

Kaminari shrugged. "Ahhh... I can see that, but don't forget [last name]-chan's there. I mean, did you see her save those people on her internship?"

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