"What are you waiting for?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow, before pointing at the hole that was my ticket to the outdoors. "Your ticket is right there. You do want to go outside, don't you?"

"Well, yes-"

"Nikki, wait!" I didn't finish as I turned to see a puff of white smoke. When it cleared, I saw a small version of Mercury as well. She had feathered wings, a halo above her head, and wore a white dress.

"Do not, I repeat, do not go out there!" She told me sternly. "You don't know what kind of dangers are lurking behind those walls!"

"Shut up, Mercury," Devil Isaiah snapped before looking at me. "Ignore her, Nikki. Do go outside. You'll regret it if you don't."

"Don't you mean she'll regret it if she does?" Angel Mercury scowled before looking at me. "Nikki, the indoors are better than the outdoors. Trust me!"

"Yeah, right," Devil Isaiah scoffed. "She'll die of boredom right before she'll get a chance to try out what she's missing out on."

"Don't listen to him, Nikki!" Mercury cried in desperation only for Devil Isaiah to groan and roll his eyes. He pulled out some duct tape, pounced onto Angel Mercury, and they shuffled around, until Devil Isaiah flew back up to my view.

"Okay, where was I?" He said, putting a hand to his chin, as Angel Mercury flew back up, her hands and feet taped together with the duct tape. She was angrily muffling, due to not being to speak with the duct tape taped onto her mouth.

"Oh, that's right!" The devil version of my cat friend lifted my chin up so that I was completely facing him. "Look, I know the outside world looks scary, but it's full of nothing but fun and adventure! With that size, think of all the things you could pull off!"

"Like what?" I raised a brow curiously.

"Like a lot of things!" The devil Isaiah lit up with excitement. "Know how when you're regular sized, chao and flickies are small enough to fit in your palm? Now that you're tiny, you can ride on them. It'd be like riding a horse or even better, a dragon."

I put my hand to my chin. Riding chao and flickies? I can climb onto their back and ride them if I wanted at this size?

My shoulder demon wasn't finished yet. "And think of the pranks you can pull on the regular sized locals. At that size, you can do anything to them for a prank, and the best part is they won't know it's you who is playing jokes on them."

"How?" I asked.

"You may not be able to throw a pie at them or spray them with a water hose, but you can still move a banana peel in front of them so they can trip, not to mention you can climb up their shirt and they'll think it's just a bug. You can even pull their hair and they won't even know it's you. At that size, you can get away with anything. The possibilities are endless!"

By this time, Angel Mercury bit down her duct tape, finally able to speak as I heard her scream. "Nikki, don't listen! Who knows what will happen once you step one foot out there!"

"Oh, please, Nikki, do do it," Devil Isaiah rolled his eyes. "You'll be making a mistake if you don't."

"Nikki, please!" Angel Mercury pleaded. "Be serious! What's stopping you from being stepped on, or worse, becoming someone's breakfast?!"

I had a look of anxiety across my face. Maybe this was a bad idea. The thought of being swallowed alive was more scary than being crushed to death underneath someone's shoe.

"Nikki, be real," Devil Isaiah put his hands on his hips. "Isaiah, the real one, had went outside multiple times before, and came back in one piece everytime. What makes this any different?"

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